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Home > Topics > Prof. Norio Shibata has been awarded with a Certificate of Reviewing Excellence from Elsevier and the Editors of Journal of Fluorine Chemistry.

Prof. Norio Shibata has been awarded with a Certificate of Reviewing Excellence from Elsevier and the Editors of Journal of Fluorine Chemistry.

Category:Award|Publishing : July 18, 2014

Prof. Norio Shibata has been awarded with a Certificate of Reviewing Excellence from Elsevier and the Editors of Journal of Fluorine Chemistry.

Journal of Fluorine Chemistry

The Journal of Fluorine Chemistry contains reviews, original papers and short communications. The journal covers all aspects of pure and applied research on the chemistry as well as on the applications of fluorine, and of compounds or materials where fluorine exercises significant effects. This can include all chemistry research areas (inorganic, organic, organometallic, macromolecular and physical chemistry) but also includes papers on biological/biochemical related aspects of Fluorine chemistry as well as medicinal, agrochemical and pharmacological research. The Journal of Fluorine Chemistry also publishes environmental and industrial papers dealing with aspects of Fluorine chemistry on energy and material sciences. Preparative and physico-chemical investigations as well as theoretical, structural and mechanistic aspects are covered. (Elsevier)

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