



English version is attached below

危機管理対策本部長 学長 松井 信行

学生及び教職員 各位

 新型インフルエンザに対する政府の「基本的対処方針」が改定されたことを受け、 5月26日に危機管理対策本部で検討し、本学役員会で以下の対応策をとることに 決定しました。5月27日から適用します。

  • (1)新型インフルエンザ蔓延国であるメキシコ、アメリカ合衆国(本土)、カナダから帰国した学生及び教職員に対する登校禁止または出勤停止は解除します。ただし帰国後は体温など健康状態に十分注意してください。
  • (2)私事渡航の事前届け出(教職員のみ)、海外からの帰国報告は不要とします。
  • (3)発熱等の異常を感じた者は、速やかに居住地域の保健所に電話で相談し、指示に従ってください。病院等にかかった場合は、下記の電話番号へ連絡(平日8:40~17:10)し、状況を報告してください。電話が繋がらない場合やその他の時間帯及び休日は、e-mailアドレスにより報告してください。
      電話番号 E-mail
    学生(学生生活チーム) 052-735-5235
    留学生(学生生活チーム) 052-735-5074
    教職員(人事チーム) 052-735-5014




-------------------English version----------------------------

The Crisis-Management Committee News No. 6

FROM: Nobuyuki Matsui
Head of Crisis-Management Committee,
President, Nagoya Institute of Technology

TO: all members of NITECH

Japanese Government shifted the policy for the influenza A(H1N1). In response to this shift, on May 26 Crisis-Management Committee reviewed the NIT health interventions that were already implemented and the board of directors has decide to implement new operations which is in effect as of May 27.

  • (1)Because "wait-and see approach at home" ceases to exist, any students or employees of NITECH returning from the country(s) with wide-spread cases of swine-flu (i.e. Mexico, the United States of America and Canada) are allowed to enter the campus after the return. However, self-care, such as taking a temperature, needs to be carried out.
  • (2)An advance notice of a trip-abroad is only requested on employees'side; a return-report is no longer demanded on both sides (students & employees).
  • (3)If you have any symptoms of influenza, such as fever, consult with your local public health care center immediately, and follow their advices. If you see a doctor for such symptoms, contact us at the following numbers between 8:40 and 17:10 on weekdays. If you cannot reach us the following numbers or need to contact us after the office hours, please contact us at the e-mails addresses mentioned above.
      Tel E-mail
    Domestic Students (Student Affairs Team) 052-735-5235
    International Students (Student Affair Team) 052-735-5074
    Employees (Personnel Team) 052-735-5014
    ・Employees include part-time teachers, part-time workers, & temporary and contact workers.

Additionally, you are requested to use cautions in order to avoid the infection of the flu, by avoiding any unnecessary and non-urgent travels as well as encounters with crowds of people, and wearing a mask, frequently washing your hands and gargling in order to avoid infections through the contacts to the airborne droplets resulting from coughing and sneezing.

Especially persons with health problems (i.e. asthmatics, diabetics) and/or pregnant women are requested to take everyday actions to stay healthy.

Please be aware that we will keep taking actions in response to the rapidly-changing situations surrounding the outbreak of swine flu. Consequently, pay close attention to the most up-to-date information posted on the NITECH's homepage as well as the portal site.

For further information, please access to "The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare" site.