



English version is attached below

危機管理対策本部長 学長 松井 信行

学生、教職員 各位




学生 tel:052-735-5235 学生生活チーム
留学生 tel:052-735-5074 同上
教職員 tel:052-735-5014 人事チーム


 なお、新型インフルエンザによる影響は時々刻々と変化しており、その都度対策を講ずることとしております。今後もホームページ、学生及び職員ポータル掲示板に掲載される危機管理 対策本部ニュースなどの情報にご注意願います。

-------------------English version----------------------------

The Crisis-Management Committee News No. 8
FROM: Nobuyuki Matsui
Head of Crisis-Management Committee,
President, Nagoya Institute of Technology

TO: all members of NITECH

Some cities in Aichi, including Nagoya city, are now reporting cases of human infection with swine flu. You are continuously requested to use cautions in order to avoid the infection of the flu, by avoiding any unnecessary and non-urgent travels as well as encounters with crowds of people, and wearing a mask, frequently washing your hands and gargling in order to avoid infections through the contacts to the airborne droplets resulting from coughing and sneezing. Especially persons with health problems (i.e. asthmatics, diabetics) and/or pregnant women are requested to take everyday actions to stay healthy.

If you have fever, immediately consult with “Fever Consultation Center” set up inside your local public health care center, instead of local doctors as well as our university health support center; then follow their advice. If you see a doctor for such symptoms, contact us at the following numbers between 8:40 and 17:10 on weekdays. If you cannot reach us the following numbers or need to contact us after the office hours, please contact us at the e-mails addresses mentioned above.

  Tel E-mail
Domestic Students (Student Affairs Team) 052-735-5235
International Students (Student Affair Team) 052-735-5074
Employees (Personnel Team) 052-735-5014

・Employees include part-time teachers, part-time workers, & temporary and contact workers.

Please be aware that we will keep taking actions in response to the rapidly-changing situations surrounding the outbreak of swine flu. Consequently, pay close attention to the most up-to-date information posted on the NITECH’s homepage as well as the portal site.

For further information, please access to “The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare” site.