Nagoya Institute of Technology


NITech establishes the Europe Liaison Office as an overseas base in Europe

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  • NITech establishes the Europe Liaison Office as an overseas base in Europe

Category:News|Publishing : July 31, 2013

As part of the Constructing Overseas Base Project whose objectives are promoting internationalization, collecting international information, and developing excellent human resources, the Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITech) established the NITech Europe Liaison Office, which is our overseas office in Europe, in the campus of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Germany.

The Signing Ceremony and Opening Ceremony in celebration of the establishment of the NITech Europe Liaison Office were held on 15th July, 2013 in FAU.
From NITech, all related people including Dr. Minoru Takahashi, President, Prof. Yuji Iwamoto, Director of the Center for Promotion of Internationalization, and Prof. Ken-ichi Kakimoto, Director of the NITech Europe Liaison Office attended both the opening and signing ceremonies. From FAU, related people such as Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Karl-Dieter Grüske, President, Prof. Dr. Christoph Korbmacher, Vice-President for International Affairs , and Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Marion Merklein, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering attended the ceremonies. As the guest, His Excellency Consul General Akira Mizutani from the Consulate-General of Japan in Munich also attended the ceremonies as well. In celebration of the opening of the NITech Europe Liaison Office, the President and Vice-President for International Affairs from FAU gave congratulatory speeches and they expressed their hopes that this office will provide a further opportunity for the development of our exchanges. Mrs. Sophia Kerscher from BOSHOKU AUTOMOTIVE EUROPE attended and celebrated the Opening Ceremony. At the Opening Ceremony, His Excellency Council General Akira Mizutani sent us his warm congratulations and best wishes. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Marion Merklein, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering also stated that she hopes this office will be an important base for developing “KIZUNA (bond)” between FAU and NITech.

The NITech Europe Liaison Office is designed to be an important activity base in Europe. Its missions are conducting joint research with European researchers, social collaboration between European industry and NITech, supporting the convening of symposiums and seminars, and promoting public relations such as introducing NITech and dispatching information.

Through the NITech Europe Liaison Office, which is our third overseas liaison office followed by the Beijing office and Malaysia office, we are going to expand NITech’s network around the world.

europe1.JPGAt the Signing Ceremony for MOU

europe2.jpgAt the Signing Ceremony for Details of Implementation 

europe3.JPGFrom Left  Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Marion Merklein (Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of FAU), Dr. Minoru Takahashi (the President of NITech), His Excellency Council General Akira Mizutani(the Consulate-General of Japan in Munich), Prof. Ken-ichi Kakimoto (Director of the NITech Europe Liaison Office)

europe4.JPGAt the New NITech Europe Liaison Office 


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  • NITech establishes the Europe Liaison Office as an overseas base in Europe