Mr. OKA Kanato receives BEST ORAL AWARD at The 8th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment
RESEARCH NEWS - New Ceramic Catalyst Uses Sodium and Boron to Drive Sustainable Industrial Reactions
Mr. MOTODAMARI Kouki receives BEST PAPER AWARD at the 24th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference
PRESS RELEASE - Towards Safer, Higher Performance Batteries Through Network Topology Optimization
Mr. TAKADA Shota receives Best Student Paper Awards Second Prize at 2024 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation
Mr. YAMADA Ayuto receives Best Paper Award at IEEE Future Networks World Forum 2024
A Signing Ceremony with College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University (China)
Mr. NAGAYA Koki receives PRiME 2024 General Student Poster Session Award 2nd Prize
Visit from Universiti Putra Malaysia
Honorary doctorate for Dr. KAKIMOTO Ken-ichi, Executive Director and Vice President, from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) of Germany
A research paper released by KAWAI Koki et al. of SHIBATA Lab in "Themed Collection, 2024 Chemical Science Covers" in the flagship journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Chemical Science
RESEARCH NEWS - Unveiling a New Technique for Preparing Ionic Liquid-Based Membranes for Mixture Separation
One staff member of NITech participates in the Erasmus+ Programme with Poznan University of Technology (PUT), Poland
Research Group Led by Professor SUGITA Shukei Wins the 2023 JBSE Papers of the Year Award
Mr. MURATA Yusuke receives The 24th International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry Best Poster Award
Visit from Yeungnam University in South Korea
A research paper released by the SHIBATA Lab was published in the flagship journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Science, featuring it on the "Front Cover"
Fujita Health University and Nagoya Institute of Technology Sign a Basic Agreement
A research paper released by the YAMAMURA-MIYAGAWA Lab was published in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Professor TOKUDA Keiichi receives the IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award, the world's highest academic award in speech technology.
Initiative - "Civic Tech" for a better and brighter future, an R&D project taking on societal issues with information technology
The Rector and the Vice Rector for International Relations of the University of Bologna, Italy visited NITech.
RESEARCH NEWS - Unlocking the Potential of Anti-Perovskites Through a Convenient One-Step Synthesis Route
Bus Tour to Toyota Automobile Museum and Sanshu Asuke Yashiki was held.
The newest research paper of Associate Professor Takashi SHIRAI's group has been highlighted as the FRONT COVER of the latest issue of Nanoscale Advances
Mr. MITSUYA Tatsuhiko receives Guinness World Records™「Smallest humanoid robot」.
Four faculty members in charge of international exchange from the Valencian Polytechnic University in Spain visited NITech.
SHIBATA Lab's Research on the Cover of ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
SHIBATA Lab's Research Featured on the Cover of Organic Letters
RESEARCH NEWS - Promising Advances in Organosilica Membranes for Separating Organic Liquid Mixtures
Professor KITAGAWA Keisuke delivers Instant Houses for indoor use to the area affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake
A visit by the Director and Researchers from the IRCER (Institute of Research for Ceramics) of France CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), and Attaché for Science and Project manager from the French Embassy in Japan.
Ms. YAMAUCHI Risako, Mr. SAKURAI Wataru and Ms. HORIE Kirana receive awards at 2023 Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications(ACMSA2023)
Mr. NODA Kazuma receives Excellent Student Paper Award at The 3rd International Conference on Smart Manufacturing, Industrial & Logistics Engineering (SMILE2023)
Vice-Chancellor of Innovative Engineering Research Alliance of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) visited our university.
RESEARCH NEWS - Addressing the Increase in Wireless Demand with Frequency-Hopping Metasurfaces
Mr. HOMBE Masafumi receives IEEE ICA2023 Best Student Poster Award at The 7th IEEE International Conference on Agents (IEEE ICA2023).
Professor HIRATA Akimasa assumes the position of chair of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)-First chair from Asia since the establishment of ICNIRP
The 61st NITech Festival Held!
NITech delegation deepened exchanges by the visit to FAU
Initiative - Elucidating the functions of and expanding the possibilities of sugars
Mr. SATO Daisuke receives IFEEC2023 First Place Paper Award at The 2023 International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC2023)
The campus introduction video "Nagoya Institute of Technology Aerial Campus Tour" has been released
Daido University and Nagoya Institute of Technology sign a Basic Agreement on Collaboration
The study results of Professor WATANABE Yoshimi and Professor SATO Hisashi were published in Materials and highlighted on its website (as of October 2023)
A journal paper authored by DEGUCHI Genki (second year of Graduate School of Engineering, Master's Course) et al in the Ogata/Kobayashi Laboratory, was published in Hot Topic: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (as of October 2023)
A joint symposium between Nagoya Institute of Technology and the Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine was held
Issuance of Nagoya Institute of Technology Report FY 2023
Overseas office celebrated the 10th anniversary of its establishment.
Mr. Riku Yoshioka receives Best Student Paper Award at The 22nd IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology.
Initiative - Joint workshop on new product planning held [Department of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Industrial Management Engineering (Field of Systems Management and Engineering)]
The President of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) visited NITech
Initiative - Next-generation medical and life science technologies achieved by photofunctional molecules
Ms. Momoe Sakai receives First Best Paper Award at 2th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications .
Mr. Ekai Hashimoto receives Best Student Paper Award at The 2nd International Workshop on Democracy and AI (DemocrAI 2023).
Open Campus 2023 Held in August!
Professor Akimasa Hirata has won the 2023 Richard R. Stoddart Award for Outstanding Performance from the IEEE EMC Society
Vice-Chancellor and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) visited our university.
Research Paper by Professor Shibata Featured in The Chemical Record, Accompanied by Striking Frontispiece Artwork
Research Paper by Professor Shibata and Team Graces Organic Letters with Impressive "Supplementary Cover Art"
The research accomplishment of Ms. Shino Inukai(second year of the Master's Course), who is a member of the Kandori and Katayama Lab , was chosen as the Cover Art for Journal of Biological Chemistry
RESEARCH NEWS - Ceramic Tea Set Glazing Affects Health Benefits of Tea, Finds New Study
A joint research paper by the Ikeda Lab and Ogata Lab published with the Inside Front Cover in Chemical Science
Yamamura and Miyagawa Lab's research paper chosen as the Front Cover Art for New Journal of Chemistry, a journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Notice of Summer Closure
The Rector and five members of the State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung (UIN) visited our university.
Open Campus 2023 Held in June!
Shibata's research paper in Chemical Science was selected as the Front Cover Art
Shibata's work has been published in The Chemical Record with "Frontispiece Art"
Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine and Nagoya Institute of Technology Sign a Basic Agreement on Collaboration
PRESS RELEASE - World's First Demonstration of Terahertz Signal Transparent Relay and Switching
Vice-Chancellor of University of Tun Hussein Ong Malaysia (UTHM) visited NITech
Initiative - Forming Fluorine Compounds from CFC Substitutes, or Greenhouse Gases
PRESS RELEASE - Successful terahertz wireless communication using a micro-resonator soliton comb: Expectations for next-generation mobile communications based on photonic technology
Ms. Shoko Kimura receives SIGGRAPH AWARD/REVOLUTION #RESEARCH at Laval Virtual 2023.
Paper from the Ogata Laboratory Selected as a Featured Article in Journal of Applied Physics
Professor Yoshihiro Tanaka has been selected as the InaRIS Fellow for 2023
An article published by Mr. Koki Kawai (2nd year doctoral course student) of the Shibata Laboratory has been recognized as the Top Cited Article in 2021-2022
A Research Paper from the Yamamura/Miyagawa Laboratory Published in the Journal of Polymer Science Selected as Cover Art
Staff of Nagoya Institute of Technology Participate in the Erasmus+ Programme at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Germany
NITech Research Navi Website Launched
Brother Industries and Nagoya Institute of Technology Sign Agreement on Industry-Academia Collaboration
Faculty Group in Charge of the Creative Engineering Program Awarded a Special Prize
Ena City's Mayor, Matsusaka City's Mayor, and Minokamo City's Mayor Visit NITech
RESEARCH NEWS - Towards a New Antenna Paradigm with Waveform-Selective Metasurfaces
Assistant Professor Tomoya Kamimura Wins The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers Chubu Chapter 53rd Branch Encouragement Award
FEATURE STORY - Frescoes, in a Flash: Nagoya Institute of Technology Researchers Create Frescoes in a Single Day
PRESS RELEASE - DOCOMO, Keio University and Nagoya Institute of Technology Announce World's First Technology that Utilizes Human-Augmentation Platform for Sharing Haptic Information Between People
A research paper authored by Shibata Laboratory (Hiroto Iwasaki et al.) published in an American Chemical Society journal was selected as "Supplementary Cover Art"
RESEARCH NEWS - Unravelling Auger Recombination in Bipolar Devices Under High Carrier Injection
RESEARCH NEWS - Investigating the Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structure (LIPSS) of Silicon
Cargo Dragon Spacecraft No. 26 (SpX-26) with a titanium alloy sample fabricated by NITech launched into space!
The research work of Yosuke Mizuno, in his first year of the Master's Course, Kandori Laboratory, has been selected as the "Supplementary Cover Art" of an international journal, Biochemistry
Under the Erasmus+ Programme, faculty and staff members of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Germany, visited Nagoya Institute of Technology
Issuance of Nagoya Institute of Technology Report FY 2022
Research Group Led by Associate Professor Yoshihiro Maeda and Professor Makoto Iwasaki Wins the 2022 IEEJ Industry Applications Society Distinguished Transaction Paper Award
Frank Exchange of Ideas between the President and Students―Holding of the AY 2022 Campus Meeting
RESEARCH NEWS - Protons Fix a Long-Standing Issue in Silicon Carbide Electronics
Team "P01TERGEIST" reports to the President upon winning the METI Minister's Award at the 17th Crisis Management Contest
Initiative - CO₂ emissions reduction! Ceramics made at low temperature and without firing to underpin the age of carbon neutrality
Shirai Laboratory's research paper selected as "Front Cover" of Journal of Materials Chemistry C
Mr. Keiya Kato receives MIPE Award at 2022 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment.
Video produced under Prof. Keiko Kawashima's leadership, "Mother and I Hiding in the Attic," going live
RESEARCH NEWS - Researchers from Japan Develop New Upcycling System for Commercial Polyesters
Open Campus 2022 held in August!
RESEARCH NEWS - Mimicking the Earth's Crust: Examining Solidification of Mg-C-O-H Systems by Cold Sintering
RESEARCH NEWS - Preventing Dye Aggregation with Molten Salts to Improve Solar Cell Performance
The function of transporting liquid with biomimetics was reproduced by plastic molding! Nippo Ltd. and Associate Professor Daisuke Ishii of NITech are jointly promoting technological development.
A research paper authored by Shibata Laboratory published in an American Chemical Society journal was selected as "Supplementary Cover Art."
A research paper authored by Shibata Laboratory published in an ACS journal was selected as "Front Cover Art."
A research paper authored by Shibata Laboratory published in an American Chemical Society journal was selected as "Supplementary Cover Art."
Professor Yuji Iwamoto was awarded the title of Fellow by the American Ceramic Society (ACerS)
A research paper authored by Shibata Laboratory published in an American Chemical Society journal was selected as "Supplementary Cover Art."
Professor Akihito Sano, a recipient of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 2022, was awarded a special prize
Awards for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 2022 received
RESEARCH NEWS - Turning Fish Waste into Quality Carbon-based Nanomaterial
A research paper authored by Shibata Laboratory published in an ACS journal was selected as an "ACS Editors' Choice" article.
Nagoya Institute of Technology and Toyota Industries Corporation launch joint research on smart plants and warehouses
RESEARCH NEWS - Decoding the Structure and Properties of Near-Infrared Reflective Pigments
Shirai Laboratory's research paper was selected as the "Back Cover" and "Cover Profile" of Green Chemistry
Open Campus and Techno Festa for Female Students 2022 Held!
Regarding COVID-19 Vaccinations (On-Campus Booster Vaccinations (Third Doses)) (Reservation Guide)
"VOICEs from NITech", an introduction movie and promotional video of our university has been released
Regarding COVID-19 Vaccinations (On-Campus Booster Vaccinations (Third Doses))
RESEARCH NEWS - A Fresh Perspective on Picket-Spengler Reaction with α-Ketoesters as a New Carbonyl Source
JSPS Japanese-German Graduate Externship Program joint seminar was held online
Information on the AY 2021 Graduation Ceremony and the AY 2022 Entrance Ceremony
Mr. Hideaki Sugiyama receives Best Student Paper Award at The 2022 Malaysia-Japan Workshop on Radio Technology.
Mr. Hiroomi Kaida and Ms. Megumi Ito receives The 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics Outstanding Abstract Award.
Researcher Shotaro Tada received Membranes (MDPI) Oral Presentation Award THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY 2021.
RESEARCH NEWS - Plumbing the Depths: Defect Distribution in Ion-Implanted SiC Diodes
RESEARCH NEWS - Scientists Develop Films with Tunable Elongation and Fracture for Various Uses
Mr. Toshiaki Honda receives the "Honorable Mention Award" at the international conference "10th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics".
Collaborative Project with Coimbra University (Portugal) was Selected
RESEARCH NEWS - Through the Looking Glass: Unravelling How Ions Move in Phosphate Glass
RESEARCH NEWS - Giving a "Tandem" Boost to Solar-powered Water Splitting
RESEARCH NEWS - Paving the Way to Artificial PhotosynthesisーEffect of Doping on the Photocatalyst SrTiO3
RESEARCH NEWS - A Bright Future: Using Visible Light to Decompose CO2 With High Efficiency
RESEARCH NEWS - A Speedy Trial: What It Takes to Be the Fastest Land Predator
RESEARCH NEWS - Bone-deep: Mineral Found in Human Bone Can Help Fight Toxic Organic Compounds
RESEARCH NEWS - The Bluest of Blue: A New Algae-Based Switch is Lighting Up Biological Research!
RESEARCH NEWS - Asymmetric Synthesis of Aziridine with a New Catalyst Can Help Develop Novel Medicines
Ms. Risa Yasuda, Mr. Shuta Takimoto receives ENGE 2020 Best Poster Award.
RESEARCH NEWS -"Shedding Light" on the Role of Undesired Impurities in Gallium Nitride Semiconductors
RESEARCH NEWS -New Proposal for the Management of Low Back Pain with a Proprioceptive Approach
Conferred on Dr. Peter Greil Honorary Doctor in NITech
RESEARCH NEWS - Scientists Improve a Photosynthetic Enzyme by Adding Fluorophores
The 2021 Graduation Ceremony to be held on March 26.
JSPS Japanese-German Graduate Externship Program joint seminar was held online.
RESEARCH NEWS - Novel Hydrogen Fuel Purification Membrane Paves the Way for Greener Future
RESEARCH NEWS - Fabricating the Future with a New Environment Friendly Method of Polymerization
Mr.HAQBEEN JAWAD AHMAD receives Best Paper Award at 15th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support System (KICSS2020)
RESEARCH NEWS - New Method for Asymmetric N,N-Acetal Synthesis Promises Advances in Drug Development
Selected by "Joint Research Projects within the Executive Program of Cooperation in the Field of Science and Technology between Italy-Japan"
RESEARCH NEWS - Beauty in Imperfection: How Crystal Defects Can Help Convert Waste Heat into Electricity
RESEARCH NEWS - No Disassembly Required: Non-destructive Method to Measure Carrier Lifetime in SiC
Erasmus+ Program with Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) and Politehnica University of Timisoara (Romania) were adopted.
Mr.Takumi Sato, Mr.Soichiro Kuroyanagi Awarded at 15th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support System (KICSS2020).
Vice-president, Prof. Ken-ichi Kakimoto, has been accredited as an ambassador of Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU)
University Response to COVID-19 after November 17, 2020
Selected by "International Partnerships for Excellent Education, Research and Innovation" (INTPART) Program, Norway
A message from the President
University Response to COVID-19 after September 15, 2020
University Response to COVID-19 after August 25, 2020
University Response to COVID-19 from August 1 to 21, 2020
University Response to COVID-19 After June 19, 2020
Regarding Program of "Emergency Student Support Handout for Continuing Studies"
NITech Response to COVID-19
Words for 2020 new students
Words for 2019 graduates
【To new students】Regarding the schedule of the first semester, departments' guidance and orientation
Cancellation Notice of the 2020 Entrance Ceremony
Cancellation Notice of the 2020 Graduation Ceremony
Mr.KATO Yuki Awarded The 2020 International Conference on Natural Science, Engineering, and Technology (NSET 2020) Distinguished Paper Award.
Mr.Takahiro Tsuzuki Awarded Best Poster Presentation Award, The 5th International Conference on Molecular Simulation (ICMS 2019).
Mr. Yuta Takayama Awarded IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Best Student Paper Award in IEEE SMC 2019.
Project Assistant Professor Ryuta Arisaka and Professor Takayuki Ito received Best Paper Award at IJCAI 2019 Workshop on Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiations (ACAN).
Project Assistant Professor Ryuta Arisaka and Professor Takayuki Ito received Best Paper Award at 16th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI2019).
Mr.Shun Okuhara,Professor Takayuki Ito, received Best Paper Award at Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2019).
Professor Takayuki Ito, Shota Suzuki, Researcher Naoko Yamaguchi, Project Assistant Professor Tomohiro Nishida, Kentaro Hiraishi and Kai Yoshino received The Best Video Award at IJCAI2019 AI Video Competition.
Japanese tea ceremony lesson for NITech international students
Day Trip to Panasonic Ecology Systems Co., Ltd. and Aichi Museum of Flight
Japanese-German graduate program "Cotutelle" newly launched
The NITech Europe Liason Office official website is now available!
Erasmus+ Program with University Politehnica Timisoara (Romania) was adopted.
The 2019 Graduation Ceremony will be held on 27 March.
Professor Hideki Kandori receives The Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) Award
Mr. Keita Ito receives Best Paper Award in ICOIN2019
Ms.Maho Harada receives Best Poster Award in ENGE 2018
Day Trip to N-TECH Co., Ltd. and Food Replica Workshop
Mr.Tomoya Fukui receives Outstanding Paper Award in KICSS 2018
Mr.GU Wen receives Best Presentation Award in KICSS 2018
Ms. Liu Shan won the competition in PRIANAC
Mr.Seiya Kadoishi receives Best Paper Award in ANQ2018
Mr. Anirban Ray, a graduate (Sato Jun and Sakaue Fumihiko Laboratory) is introduced in the University of Tokyo India Office's website.
Three international students completed the International Graduate Program for Global Engineers.
Mr. Shinsaku Maeda receives STUDENT POSTER Bronze Prize Award in IFAAP2018
One-day trip for Yabashi Holdings Co., Ltd. and Yokoyama Dam
Mr. Hiroto Ida receives Young Scientist Award in 22nd International Symposium on Analytical & Applied Pyrolysis (Pyro2018)
PRESS RELEASE -Apatite-Type Materials without Interstitial Oxygens Show High Oxide-Ion Conductivity by Overbonding
The 2018 Spring Entrance Ceremony
Mr. Naoto Horiike receives Student Paper Award in RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing 2018 (NCSP'18)
"NITech Cosmo Village" seeks residents
The 2018 Graduation Ceremony will be held on 26 March.
Mr. Hiroki Banno receives Best Poster Presentation Award in The 34th International Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics
February 1-2, 2018 2nd FRIMS International Symposium on Frontier Materials
Mr. Tomihiro Ikegami receives IEEE CAMA Student Paper Award
PRESS RELEASE -Viewing atomic structures of dopant atoms in 3D relating to electrical activity in a semiconductor-
Researches and knowledge-sharing between Chulalongkorn University and NITech
25-Mar-2018 NITech Music Project: Concert Op.3, "Eh? Motional Music"
Ms.JEONG SUMIN receives The 34th International Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics, Best Poster Presentation Award
Mr.Ryoji Horita,Tatsuya Toyama,Xun Tang and Prof.Takayuki Ito received awards at KICSS2017
Professor Toshiyuki Gotoh (Department of Physical Science and Engineering) has been elected a 2017 fellow of the American Physical Society(APS)
NOTICE > Handling of Class Cancellation Due to Typhoon approaching
Mr.Hiroto Uno receives Chemistry Letters Young Poster Award of HALCHEM VIII
Press release: Halogen bonding-mediated metal-free controlled cationic polymerization (Assoc. Prof. Koji Takagi group), is now on EurekAlert!
Press release: New neutron holography technique opens a window for obtaining clear 3-D atomic images (Prof. Kouichi Hayashi group), is now on EurekAlert!
Mr.Yasutoshi Nishikawa(President & CEO of ORTHORERBIRTH Co. Ltd.)and Professor Toshihiro Kasuga(Nagoya Institute of Technology) received Award for Academic Startups, 2017(JASVE President Prize)
Mr.Shin Sung Yong receives Best Paper Award (The First Prize) in the 20th International Conference on Electric Machines and Systems (ICEMS2017)
Professor Takayuki Ito, Pankaj Mishra (Master's degree holders of Computer Science), Dr. Rafik Hadfi (Former Research Assistant Professor, NIT) received the Singapore Computer Society Best Paper Award 2017, International Journal of Information Technology
【Application period : from July 28 to August 1】Nagoya Institute of Technology and University of Wollongong Joint Degree Doctoral Program in Informatics to be established in March 2018
We have released a new Admissions Guide for Joint Degree Doctoral Program in Informatics between Nagoya Institute of Technology and University of Wollongong.
Press release: New chemical synthesis method can produce an exciting range of novel compounds(Prof. Shuichi Nakamura group), is now on EurekAlert!
Mr.Ly Hoang Hiep receives 21st Annual Conference of the International Society for Computer Aided Surgery (ISCAS-CARS2017) Best Poster Award
Prof. Taizo Umezaki received The 2017 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award
The top 5% of reviewers for Angewandte Chemie in 2016( Professor Norio Shibata)
58 high school students and others from India visited NITech under the Sakura Science Program
NITech delegation made a Courtesy visit to President of Tongji University
NITech delegation attended the "Japan-China University Fair and Forum in China 2017"
Press release: New coating surface for superior rust resistance with 'colorless' color (Dr. Akinori Takasu group), is now on EurekAlert!
April 25, 2017 FRIIS Seminars #1(Dr. Hiroshi Motoda, Osaka University) and #2(Dr. Mark Klein, MIT)
April 21, 2017 FRIIS Seminar (Dr. Joaquin_Delgado, Verizon Communications) "My Journey Through "The Valley"
The 2017 Spring Entrance Ceremony
April 7, 2017 Lecture"Generative Text-to-Speech Synthesis"
The 2017 Graduation Ceremony will be held on 23 March.
March 27, 2017 「NIT International Symposium on Future Informatics」
March 8 to 10, 2017 2nd International Workshop on Cloud Turbulence
New photos
25-Mar-2017 The 2nd NITech Music Project 'East Meets West'
New material with ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism may lead to better computer memory
CLOSED administrative counter during the year change period
Research press release about "Applicability of dynamic facilitation theory to binary hard disk systems" (Assist. prof. Masaharu Isobe) is now on EurekAlert!
Mr.Satoshi Morinaka receives IBM Best Student Paper Award of ICPR 2016
Prof. Akimasa Hirata conferred as IEEE Fellow
Mr.Ken Ohno receives IEEE CES West Japan Chapter Young Researcher Award of GCCE 2016
Open for Non degree research Student Program (International Students) for 2017
2016/11/18(Fri) FRIIS Seminar "Statistical Voice Conversion and Its Application to Augmented Speech Production"
Dr. Hitoshi Ohsato won the Society Fellows 2016 of the American Ceramic Society
Shoot and Tweet! #NITech_snap
FRIMS Seminar "Molecular basis of cellular movements", Prof. Thomas Pollard (Yale University, USA)【2016/12/14, 14:40~16:10】
FRIMS Seminar "EAG2 channel and cancer cell growth -Unexpected turns of a side project-", Prof. Koichi Takimoto (Nagaoka University of Technology) 【2016/12/14, 13:00-14:30】
International academic exchange agreement with Bohol Island State University (the Philippines)
Opera Public Rehearsal by the Professional Orchestra on October 28, 30 & 31
October 26, FRIIS Seminar: Professor Ilangko Balasingham, Oslo University Hospital, Norway. "Next generation wireless implants"
Press release: A new model for the contractive behavior of soft clay in a heating test (Dr. Feng Zhang group), is now on EurekAlert!
FRIIS Seminar ""Ontology-based architecture for Intelligent Transportation Systems using a Traffic Sensor Network", Asst.Prof. Susel Fernandez (University of Alcala, Spain)【2016/10/17, 13:30-14:30】
October 17-18,NITech International Symposium (Advanced Functional Materials and Application) will be held.
NOTICE > Handling of Class Cancellation Due to Typhoon approaching
The NITech HOMECOMING day is November 3, 2016.
Three NITech international students will SING at the 1st Aichi KARAOKE Festival (Morikoro Park / September 25)
NITech held a completion ceremony of new auditorium "NITech Hall".
Mr. Guo Chen & Kunihiko Kato receive Best Oral Presentation Award of TAM2016 in China
The International Collaborative Symposium for Informatics- Towards Global and Joint Collaboration - 【9/26 10:00-18:00】
Press release at EurekAlert!: Dr. Sano's group used two-photon microscopy for in vivo imaging of touch-sensitive sensory receptors in mouse fingertips.
FRIIS Seminar "Urban Sensing:Making Smart Cities Friendly and Safe for Pedestrians", Professor Kwei-Jay Lin University of California, Irvine, USA[8/31, 15:00~]
International students enrolled in IGPGE (International Graduate Program for Global Engineers) made presentations on their studies.
Mr.Yoshitaka Kato receives Best Paper Award at The workshops of the 10th International Conference on CISIS 2016
Mr. Akihiro Tsuchiya receives "Excellent Student-Paper Award" at PSE Asia 2016
"Localized Deformation and Damage Infliction in Oxide Glasses" by Lother Wondraczek (Professor, Jena University, Germany) - 2016/08/25(Thu) 13:30
6 teachers of Korean Gyeongsangnamdo Gimhae Office of Education and Kimhae Construction Engineering High School visited NITech.
"Technology Considerations for Next-Generation Computer Architecture" by Jean-Luc Gaudiot(Professor, University of California, Irvine, USA) - 2016/08/22(Mon)13:00
Mr.Akihisa Sengoku receives Best Paper Award at International Conference on Crowd Science and Engineering 2016
Four faculty members from Mongolian University Science and Technology visited NITech for training
CLOSED administrative counter from 12 to 16 August
【2016/Aug/10, 11am-noon】Frontier Research Institutes Seminar (Emeritus Professor Hideki Kawahara, Wakayama University) at Hall on 1st floor, Bldg.4
Journal of Biochemistry published an article by Kandori group and others on line
Mr.Isao Kato receives Outstanding Paper Award at 2016 International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science - Summer Session
'Bug Technology' - Associate Prof. Ishii will be broadcast on NHK World TV on 16th July
2016/07/15 (Fri) NITECH FRONTIER RESEARCH INSTITUTES Seminar "Scattering optical tomography with discretized path integral"
Synthesis of complex molecules displaying potential biological and catalytic activity by Associate Professor Shuichi Nakamura
'NITech Hall' The new auditorium's name was chosen from the public.
Mr. Syukri Sani receives the IASTEM Excellent Paper Award at the IASTEM International Conference
Associate Prof. Shiegeru Okamoto receives the International Materials Research Prize of the 24th World Forum on Advanced Materials (PolyChar 24)
Mr. Kodai Suzuki receives the Carl Klason Student Award of the 24th Annual World Forum on Advanced Materials, Polychar 2016
Four students of Lehigh University, Pennsylvania are studying as special undergraduate students
2016/06/20(Mon) NITECH FRONTIER RESEARCH INSTITUTES seminer "Constraint-based Intelligent Systems" by Professor Abdul Sattar
14 June (Tue) Frontier Research Institutes Seminar (Speaker Assistant Professor:Tim Baarslag) on "Designing intelligent negociation systems"
International cultural exchange trip (May 28, 2016)
NITech Robocon Studio will run in the NHK robot contest 2016
NITech is seeking a name of a new auditorium
Second homecoming day will be held on 3 November (Holiday).
Condolences offered after the earthquake hit the Kumamoto region
The 7th International joint Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors and Devices was held on April 11th
93 international students newly joined.
The 2016 Spring Entrance Ceremony
Spring Graduation Ceremony was held on March 23rd
Journal of the American Chemical Society published an article by Kandori group and others on line
【2016/03/17】Frontier Research Institutes Seminar "Machine lerning-based methods for estimating time to failure with application to APU prognostics" (Speaker Professor: Chunsheng Yang)
The Journal of Biological Chemistry published an article by Kandori group and others on line.
The 2016 Graduation Ceremony will be held on 23 March.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) visited NITech
NITech International Symposium on Frontier Materials (FRIMS kick-off Symposium) will be held on March 1 - 2, 2016.
Sat MAR 26th 1:00pm 'Singing is Talking' - Opera Concert -
Mr. Minoru Tsubota receives Student Encouraging Award of Tokai-Section Joint Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information, and Related Engineering, IEEE Nagoya Section
Mr. Masatoshi Ito receives Student Encouraging Award of Tokai-Section Joint Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information, and Related Engineering, IEEE Nagoya Section
Japanese traditional winter activities
【2016/01/22】Frontier Research Institutes Seminar (Speaker Associate Professor: Tatiana Domratcheva, Max-Planck Institute for Medical Research, Germany)
Mr. Yuki Nakashima receives Young Investigator Award of APT2015
The President meeting was held at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) in Germany.
Mr. Shuto Ito receives the Student Poster Competition Award of International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies 2015
Open the Health Support Center page
Assistant Professor Toru Yamada receives Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications (JTSEA) 2015 Outstanding Reviewers
New NITech Photos - Photo Gallery was updated -
Assistant Professor Zineb Mouline paticipated in COP21.
NITech participated in "Japan Schools Guidance for International Students"
École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille from France visited NITech
Trip to Toyota Motor Corporation
Students' recruitment for "International Graduate Program for Global Engineers 2016"
2015/12/09 Frontier Research Institutes Seminar (Speaker Dr. Mark Klein, MIT, USA)
2015/11/25 - 10:30am - 12:00pm, Lecture by Dr. Tobias Fey, FAU in Germany
Mr. Junki Kato receives the 1st Place of the 56th symposium on Glass and Photonic Materials
Mr. Yasuomi Muraki receives IEEE GCCE2015 Oustanding Paper Award
Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) visited NITech
Assistant Professor Susel Fernandez receives the Presentation Award of KICSS 2015
Students of University of Technology of Malaysia visited NITech
Mr. Takeshi Mori receives Student Paper Competition Award of 2015 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium
Open for Non degree research Student Program (International Students) for 2016
Welcome party for new international students
Ms. Mayuri Terakado receives the Best Paper Award of The 3rd Asian SME Conference and Meeting
Mr. Shuto Ito receives Student Award of ALC' 15
NITech Solar Car Club ran through Australia from Darwin to Adelaide at the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge.
2015/11/16 "Reflections on the molecular machines of life's energy supply" by Professor Peter Rich, University College London, UK.
2015/11/04 "Multi-agent Solutions for Complex Systems" by Professor Minjie Zhang, University of Wollongong, Australia
Dr. Michael Nobel delivered a lecture on 29 October at NITech
Ms. Ayaka Yamada receives ICCAS 2015 Student Best Paper Award
Mr. Daichi Yamauchi has been selected as a finalist for ICCAS 2015 Student Best Paper Award
Nov-5,6, Seminar -Recent Advances in Machine Learning and Applications-
Prof. Hu from Nanjing Normal University and a delegation from the agency of education in Jiangsu Province visited NITech
Nov.16th, 2015 Prof. Gavin Jell at University College London will deliver a research seminar (Towards better biomaterials)
New auditorium is under construction.
The scholarship award ceremony for Brother Global Scholarship was held on October 8th 2015
NITech Solar Car runs from Darwin to Adelaide in Australia at the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge.
Professor Norio Shibata received International Scientific Partnership Foundation Award.
2015 Fall Entrance Guidance, 62 international students newly joined.
November 21, Homecoming Day will be held.
NIT Formula Project won the 3rd place at 2015 Student Formula Japan Competition
NITech established Alumni Association in Michigan, U.S.A.
October 6, 2015 Prof. Milind Tambe at the University of Southern California will deliver a research seminar (Game theory for security systems)
October 5, 2015 Prof. Milind Tambe at the University of Southern California will deliver a seminar (Awards winner PI will show you secrets to do your research effectively!)
Associate Professor Akimasa Hirata receives Technical Achievement Award from IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society
NIEWS - human-powered aircraft study group of NITech - on Nippon Television Network from 19:00 on 2 Sept (sign-off)
Prof. Kwei-Jay Lin at the University of California will deliver a lecture on 8 September (concluded)
Angewandte Chemie International Edition published an article by Kandori group and others on line.
Talk Session on Aichi as Tourism Destination at NITech
Human-powered aircraft study group "NIEWs" successfully flied in the Japan International Birdman Rally.
Administrative counter during the year change period
The international cultural exchange trip
NITech participated in "College Guidance Fairs for International Students" held in Tokyo & Osaka
NHK Student Robocon 2015 will be broadcast from AM 9:30 on 20 July (Monday - National Holiday) on NHK General.
The Japanese tea ceremony for NITech international students
NITech participated in "Japan Schools Guidance for International Students" held in Nagoya
Prof. Wonwoo Nam of Ewha Womans University, Korea will deliver a lecture on 12 June
Open for Non degree Research Student Program (International Students) for October,2015
Donation result for Nepal Earthquake
Delegates from Mongolia visited NITech
"Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group)" published Dr. Golap Kalita's research "Opening of triangular hole in triangular-shaped chemical vapor deposited hexagonal boron nitride crystal"
Assistant Professor Zineb Mouline won the Tariq Ibn Ziyad TIZI Hope 2015
An Italian conductor Lerenzo Tazzieri will give the NITech orchestra lessons open to the public
Request for donation for Nepal Earthquake
The welcome party for new international students hosted by NITIA was held on 17 April
Dr. Takayuki Hoshi in collaboration with the University of Tokyo and Utsunomiya University won the Industrial Design & Simulation award in the 17 International Conference and Exhibition of Virtual Technologies and Uses
Dr. Claudia Yamu of TU Wien visited NITech
Jounal "Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group)" has introduced Dr. Hiroki Wakatsuchi's research on "Waveform Selectivity at the Same Frequency"
Nature published an Article by Kandori group and others on line
The 2015 Spring Entrance Ceremony
Members of Luleå University of Technology visited NITech
Journal "nature" Scientific Reports has introduced Dr. Golap Kalita's (Center for Innovative Young Researchers) research on visualizing copper assisted graphene growth in nanoscale.
The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Japan of Embassy of the Republic of South Africa Visited Nagoya Institute of Technology
4th International Symposium on Ceramics Nanotune Technology was held from March 2nd to March 4th.
Non-powered walk assistance device "ACSIVE" was broadcast across Asia on Channel Japan.
9-10 March 2015, SAMCON (The 1st IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Autuation, and Motion Control)
6-8 March 2015, ICM ( IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics ) 2015
The 2015 Graduation Ceremony
4-6 March, 2015 International Workshop on Cloud Turbulence
5 February, 2015 Prof. Mark Klein, MIT will present a seminar "Enabling Effective Large-Scale Deliberation About Complex Problems"
Setsubun Event hosted by NITIA was held on 3 February.
5-6 February, 2015 Interdisciplinary Symposium on Environmental Microbiology for Sustainable Society
Students from Universiti Teknologi MARA Visited Nagoya Institute of Technology
Feb 27-Mar 2, 2015 IC-NET 2015, in Shah Alam, Malaysia
Administrative counter during the year change period
The Award Ceremony of the 4th NITech English Vocabulary Contest
Moroccan National TV2M introduced Prof. Iwamoto and his laboratory.
Japan / Russia Conference on Fluorine Chemistry and Friends on 8-10 December 2014
Human-powered aircraft study group "NIEWs" and the Japan International Birdman Rally
Open for Non degree research Student Program (International Students) for 2015
Study tour to Toyota Motor Corporation Motomachi Plant and Toyota Kaikan Museum
500 mosquitoes can be captured in 3 hours without insecticide or electricity.
Associate Prof. Deguchi and Assistant Prof. Inoue deliver keynote talks at the MHS2014.
Dr. Takayuki Hoshi receives the Innovative Technologies 2014 Special Award (Culture).
On 24th October, a welcome party for new international students was held.
Imperial College London "Special Seminar on Ceramic Biomaterials" on October 28 (Tue)
2014 Fall Entrance Ceremonies, 12 international students newly joined.
Solar Car Club won second place in Olympia Class of FIA ALTERNATIVE ENERGIES CUP Solar Car Race Suzuka 2014.
International Symposium on "Optobiotechnology" will be held on 4 October 2014.
Workshop on Artificial Photosynthesis: Engineering of Light-Harvesting Processes based on Peptide and Protein Science will be held on 6 October.
A visiting professor from École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille gave a lecture to NITech students on September 17th.
Research Assoc. Prof. Ilkka Laakso developed computational technique for localizing nerve activation
NIT Robocon Studio has won second place in The Asia Pacific Robocon Contest in Pune, India.
Assoc Prof. Akimasa Hirata's group confirmed the increased risk of heat stroke in the aged (over 75 years)
The Asia-Pacific Robot Contest in Pune, India will be held on 24 August.
The 4th Joint workshop with Myongji University, Korea, was held on August 9th and 10th
NITech has won a "Japan Overseas Education Awards" in the section of western Japan universities (science and technology) for the second consecutive year.
An excursion to Ise Shrine and Shima Spain Village
Prof. Yohei Morinishi has been awarded with a Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing from Elsevier and Journal of Computational Physics.
Prof. Norio Shibata has been awarded with a Certificate of Reviewing Excellence from Elsevier and the Editors of Journal of Fluorine Chemistry.
A Group of Singaporean Students Visited Nagoya Institute of Technology.
International students enjoyed the Japanese Tea Ceremony lesson.
Join us and cheer for NITech team at ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2014 in Pune, India
Prof. Norio Shibata gave an invited lecture at the 19th Japanese-German Symposium
Prof. Hideo Hosono, Leading Candidate for Nobel Prize will deliver a lecture on 11 June 2014.
Prof. Ken-ichi Kakimoto has been selected as a 2014 Richard M. Fulrath Awards winner of The American Ceramic Society.
Prof. Norio Shibata has been certified as an excellent quality referee of Angewandte Chemie International Edition (Angewandte Chemie), a German chemistry journal.
On 25th April, a Welcome Party for new international students was held by NITIA (Nagoya Institute of Technology International Association).
The 2014 Spring Entrance Ceremony
The Establishment of the NITech Europe Liaison Office Kickoff Symposium
Global Symbiotic Information Research Center Sysmposium
3rd International Symposium on Ceramics Nanotune Technology
Computational Science Seminar "The dynamics of particles in turbulence"
The 2014 Spring Graduation Ceremony
Journal "nature" has introduced Dr. Hiroki Wakatsuchi's research on development of a new kind of "metasurfaces".
Takumi Wada, the 4th year of Systems Management Program won the Best Paper Award of ACMSA 2013
Administrative counter during the year change period
On 9th December, NITech International student party 2013 was held
Science Attache of Italian Embassy in Tokyo visited NITech.
The Award Ceremony of the 3rd NIT English Vocabulary Contest
Lamborghini Super Car Aventador will show up at NITech Festival.
Automobili Lamborghini ACSL established a laboratory at NITech.
Distinguished members of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) visited Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITech)
NITech joined the International Association of Universities (IAU)
Assoc Prof. Hirata elected Fellow of Institute of Physics
The 2013 autumn entrance ceremony for the graduate school was held.
Advanced Ceramics Research Center (ACRC) signed a MOU with Indian Institute of Mineral & Materials Technology (IMMT)
NITech establishes the Europe Liaison Office as an overseas base in Europe
Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia visited Nagoya Institute of Technology
Live Webcast of The 1st NITech Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Masatake HARUTA
Minister Counsellor (Education) of Royal Thai Embassy in Japan visited Nagoya Institute of Technology
Exchange Dinner Party with Malaysia Alumni Association~organized by NITech Liaison Office at UiTM~
Opening of NITech Liaison Office at UiTM
The Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Japan of Embassy of the Republic of South Africa visited Nagoya Institute of Technology
Students and faculty member from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia visited Nagoya Institute of Technology
The 2012 autumn entrance ceremony for the graduate school was held.
Students from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia visited Nagoya Institute of Technology
Nagoya Institute of Technology constituted its Charter.
BUCT Office in Japan Celebrated Its Grand Opening on NITech Campus
The 2011 autumn entrance ceremony for the graduate school was held.
The Opening of the NITech's First Liaison Office in Beijing
Disaster relief ICT equipment sent for Iwate University
The website was opened renewedly.