The Establishment of the NITech Europe Liaison Office Kickoff Symposium
Category:Event|Publishing : March 3, 2014
The Establishment of the NITech Europe Liaison Office Kickoff Symposium
- Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITech) -
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) -
Date March 20th (Thu), 2014
Venue Auditorium
Host Nagoya Institute of Technology
Cohosts Friedrich-Alexander- Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg , Institute of Ceramics Research and Education (ICRE) and
Multi-Energy Innovation Center
13:00 Opening
13:05 Welcome Speech
Dr. Takahashi, President, NITech
13:10 Introduction of NITech Europe Liaison Office
Prof. Kakimoto, Director, NITech Europe Liaison Office, NITech
13:20 Crack Healing Ceramic Composites
Prof. Greil, Chair of Glass and Ceramics, Department of Materials Science and
Engineering, FAU
13:50 Cotton Wool-like Biomaterials (Rebossis®) for Bone Regeneration
Prof. Kasuga, Director, Institute of Ceramics Research and Education, NITech
14:20 Bioactive Scaffolds for Vascularised Bone Tissue Engineering: Advances and Challenges
Prof. Boccaccini, Chair of Biomaterials, Department of Materials Science and
Engineering, FAU
14:50 Printing and Coating Techniques for the Manufacture of Particulate Structures
in the Micrometer Range
Prof. Roosen, Glass and Ceramics, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, FAU
15:20 Break
15:40 Material Parameter Identification by Inverse Methods
Prof. Lerch, Chair of Sensor Technology, Department of Electrical, Electronic
and Communication Engineering, FAU
16:10 New Paradigm on Robotics
Prof. Sano, Department of Engineering Physics, Electronics and Mechanics, NITech
16:40 Materials, Concepts and Technologies to Producing Renewable Energy at 5 c/kWh
Prof. Brabec, Chair of Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology,
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, FAU
17:10 Launch of Multi-Energy Innovation Center
Prof. Tanemura, Director, Multi-Energy Innovation Center, NITech
17:40 Closing
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