



English version is attached below

危機管理対策本部長 松井 信行

学生、教職員  各位

 WHO(世界保健機関)が6月11日、南半球などでの感染の拡大を受け、 新型インフルエンザの警戒レベルを最も高い「フェーズ6」に引き上げま した。

 本学の対策に変更はありませんが、不要不急の出張や旅行などを控え、 外出する場合は人混みを避けるとともに、マスクの着用、うがいと手洗い を励行し、咳やくしゃみの飛沫等からの感染を防ぐよう配慮を行い、注意 して行動するようにしてください。
特に、糖尿病、ぜん息などの基礎疾患を有する者や妊婦は充分注意して ください。

 なお、新型インフルエンザによる影響は時々刻々と変化しており、その 都度対策を講ずることとしております。今後もホームページ、学生及び職 員ポータル掲示板に掲載される危機管理対策本部ニュースなどの情報にご 注意願います。



-------------------English version----------------------------

The Crisis-Management Committee News No. 7

FROM: Nobuyuki Matsui
Head of Crisis-Management Committee,
President, Nagoya Institute of Technology

TO: all members of NITECH

As of June 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) raised swine flu alert to highest level (Level 6); the declaration of a Phase 6 alert came as the spread of infections in the southern hemisphere.

The measures set up by the NIT remain unchanged. You are continuously requested to use cautions in order to avoid the infection of the flu, by avoiding any unnecessary and non-urgent travels as well as encounters with crowds of people, and wearing a mask, frequently washing your hands and gargling in order to avoid infections through the contacts to the airborne droplets resulting from coughing and sneezing.

Especially persons with health problems (i.e. asthmatics, diabetics) and/or pregnant women are requested to take everyday actions to stay healthy.

Please be aware that we will keep taking actions in response to the rapidly-changing situations surrounding the outbreak of swine flu. Consequently, pay close attention to the most up-to-date information posted on the NITECH's homepage as well as the portal site.

For further information, please access to "The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare" site.