


カテゴリ:ニュース|2009年7月 2日掲載

危機管理対策本部長 学長 松井 信行
学生及び教職員 各位






-------------------English version----------------------------
The Crisis-Management Committee News No.9
July 2nd.2009
FROM: Nobuyuki Matsui
Head of Crisis-Management Committee,
President, Nagoya Institute of Technology
TO: all members of NITECH
At night of July 1st (Wed.) the Public Health Center spokesman said one student from our university was diagnosed with the virus. On the morning of July 2nd (Thurs.) the student with being infected reported to our university to report.
On the same morning a team from the Public Health Center was dispatched to perform an epidemiological investigation. According to their findings, the confirmed student was absent from school, staring from June 24 (Wed.) and as of July 2nd (Thur.), the student’s absentee from school was confirmed. That fact was considered to pose no risk of further transmission. Thus, the school is decided to open, instead of taking action for temporary school closing.
We greatly appreciate your understanding and calmly attitudes.
You are continuously requested to use cautions in order to avoid the infection of the flu, by avoiding any unnecessary and non-urgent travels as well as encounter with crowed of people, and wearing a mask, frequently washing your hands and gargling in order to avoid infections through the contacts to the airborne droplets resulting from coughing and sneezing.
Especially persons with health problems (i.e. asthmatics, diabetics) and /or pregnant women are requested to take everyday actions to stay healthy.
Please be aware that we will keep taking actions in response to the rapidly-changing situations surrounding the outbreak of swine flu. Consequently, pay close attention to the most up-to-date information posted on the NITECH’s homepage as well as the portal site.

For further information, please access to “The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare” site.