Student Exchange Program
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Special Graduate Research Student (SGRS)
A Special Graduate Research Student (SGRS) is a graduate student enrolled at graduate school overseas and wishes to conduct research at a laboratory in NITech. S/he may stay at NITech as SGRS for up to 1 year.
For those who wish to be a SGRS, the applicant should prepare all documents below and send them through the international affairs division at home university by E-mail first. The due date of the application is 5 months prior to the research starting period.
- 名古屋工業大学大学院特別研究学生(外国人留学生)入学願書 Application form (download)
- 履歴書 CV (download)
- 研究計画 Research Plan (download)
- 所属大学の指導教員からの推薦書(様式任意)Recommendation letter from supervisor at home university (free format)
以下の情報を推薦状に含めてくださいPlease include following information in the recommendation letter.- 派遣を希望する学生(専攻・学年・氏名)Name of the Student, Department, Grade
- 所属大学における指導教員Name of the Student’s from Supervisor at the Home University
- 研究題目Research Theme
- 研究期間Period of Research
- 学業成績証明書(最新のもの)Most recent transcript
- パスポートの写しCopy of passport
- 在籍証明書(学生の身分、卒業予定年月の記載されたもの)
Certificate of the students’ status and expected graduation month and year - 在留資格認定証明書交付申請書Application form for Certificate of Eligibility (download)
- 経費支弁証明書(奨学金受給証明書等)
Financial statement (Certificate of scholarship, etc.) - 写真データ(CoE申請・学生証用)Face photo data for CoE and Student ID
※Clear photo taken within the last 3 months, full-faced with no hat.
※The extension of the face photo file must be "Jpeg" or "jpg".
※No background (including shadows).
Please check the photo suitable for CoE application on the website below and send the data.
〔CoE Photo requirements〕
中国政府(Chinese Scholarship Council:CSC)
Chinese Government Graduate Student Overseas Study Program(共同養成博士研究生)
Applicants who are selected as a candidate for “共同養成博士研究生” in the “Chinese Government Graduate Student Overseas Study Program” are eligible for application for the “Special Graduate Research Student (SGRS)” program.
NITech can accept only applicants who are from the partner universities of NITech with tuition waived agreement. The number of students to be admitted is 3 per year.
International Affairs Division at NITech will ask applicant’s home university to send the above documents by surface after confirmed all the contents.
Special Graduate Student (SGS)
・前期開始: 4月1日~(申請締切:前年の10月31日まで)
A Special Graduate Student (SGS) is a graduate student enrolled at graduate school overseas and wishes to take classes at NITech. S/he may stay at NITech as SGS for up to 1 year. Most of classes are instructed in Japanese. Therefore, the applicants are expected to have the Japanese language ability equivalent to N2 or higher on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
For those who wish to be a SGS, the applicant should prepare all documents below and send them through the international affairs division at home university by E-mail first. The due date of the application is 5 months prior to the start of each semester.
・First semester starts from April 1st (Application deadline: By October 31st of previous year)
・Second semester starts from October 1st (Application deadline: By April 30th)
- 名古屋工業大学 大学院特別聴講学生(外国人留学生)入学願書 Application form (download)
- 履歴書 CV(download)
- 履修希望授業科目一覧 Class List(download)
- 所属大学の指導教員からの推薦書(様式任意) Recommendation letter from supervisor at home university (free format)
以下の情報を推薦書に含めてください Please include following information in the recommendation letter.- 派遣を希望する学生(専攻・学年・氏名) Name of the Student, Department, Grade
- 聴講期間 Period of audit
- 学業成績証明書(最新のもの) Most recent transcript
- パスポートの写し Copy of passport
- 在籍証明書(学生の身分、卒業予定年月の記載されたもの)
Certificate of the students’ status and expected graduation month and year - 日本語能力を証明する書類(必須) Certificate for Japanese language proficiency (mandatory)
- 在留資格認定証明書交付申請書 Application form for Certificate of Eligibility (download)
- 経費支弁証明書(奨学金受給証明書等)
Financial statement (Certificate of scholarship, etc.) - 写真データ(CoE申請・学生証用)Face photo data for CoE and Student ID
※Clear photo taken within the last 3 months, full-faced with no hat.
※The extension of the face photo file must be "Jpeg" or "jpg".
※No background (including shadows).
Please check the photo suitable for CoE application on the website below and send the data.
〔CoE Photo requirements〕
Special Undergraduate Student(SUS)
・前期開始: 4月1日~(申請締切:前年の10月31日まで)
A Special Undergraduate Student (SUS) is an undergraduate student enrolled at undergraduate school overseas and wishes to take classes at NITech. S/he may stay at NITech as SUS for up to 1 year. All classes are instructed in Japanese. Therefore, the applicants must have Japanese ability equivalent to N2 or higher on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
For those who wish to be a SUS, the applicant should prepare all documents below and send them through the international affairs division at home university by E-mail first. The due date of the application is 5 months prior to the start of each semester.
・First semester starts from April 1st (Application deadline: October 31st of previous year)
・Second semester starts from October 1st (Application deadline: April 30th)
- 名古屋工業大学特別聴講学生(外国人留学生)入学願書 Application form (download)
- 履歴書 CV(download)
- 履修希望授業科目一覧 Class List(download)
- 所属大学の指導教員からの推薦書(様式任意)Recommendation letter from supervisor at home university (free format)
以下の情報を推薦書に含めてください。Please include following information in the recommendation letter.- 派遣を希望する学生(専攻・学年・氏名) Name of the Student, Department, Grade
- 聴講期間 Period of audit
- 学業成績証明書(最新のもの) Most recent transcript
- パスポートの写し Copy of passport
- 在籍証明書(学生の身分、卒業予定年月の記載されたもの)
Certificate of the students’ status and expected graduation month and year - 日本語能力試験N2以上の日本語能力を証明する書類(必須) Certificate for Japanese language proficiency of JLPT N2 or above (mandatory)
- 在留資格認定証明書交付申請書 Application form for Certificate of Eligibility (download)
- 経費支弁証明書(奨学金受給証明書等)
Financial statement (Certificate of scholarship, etc.) - 写真データ(CoE申請・学生証用)Face photo data for CoE and Student ID
※Clear photo taken within the last 3 months, full-faced with no hat.
※The extension of the face photo file must be "Jpeg" or "jpg".
※No background (including shadows).
Please check the photo suitable for CoE application on the website below and send the data.
〔CoE Photo requirements〕
international [at] ※「at」を@に代えて送ってください。 Please replace [at] with @ | |
Address | 〒466-8555 愛知県名古屋市昭和区御器所町 国立大学法人名古屋工業大学 国際交流課 International Affairs Division, Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITech) Gokiso, Showa, Nagoya, Aichi JAPAN 466-8555 |
Tel | 052-735-5079 |
Tuition, Examination, and Admission Fees
As for the tuition, examination, admission fees for SGRS, SGS, and SUS, they will be waived if the applicants are from the partner schools of NITech with tuition waived agreement. For those who are enrolled at not NITech partner school or NITech partner school without tuition waived agreement, they must pay tuition fees.
(SGRS: 29,700 yen/month, SGS and SUS: 14,800 yen/credit (subject to change))
宿舎(国際交流会館・国際学生寮NITech Cosmo Village)について
宿舎(国際交流会館・国際学生寮NITech Cosmo Village)について該当ページを確認してください。
Regarding Accommodation, please click here.
※本学での滞在期間等により、国際交流会館または国際学生寮NITech Cosmo Villageへ振り分けられます。選ぶことはできませんのでご了承ください。
Depending on your length of stay at our university, you will be allocated to either NITech International House or NITech Cosmo Village. Please note that you cannot choose accommodation.
Accommodation for International Students
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