Nagoya Institute of Technology


International Collaborative Program

International Relations

Joint Degree Program(JDP)

  • Nagoya Institute of Technology and University of Wollongong Joint Degree Doctoral Program in Informatics

The Joint Degree Program (JDP) is a collaborative academic single program established by Nagoya Institute of Technology and overseas partner university, University of Wollongong in Australia.

  • Nagoya Institute of Technology and Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg Joint Degree Doctoral Program in Energy Conversion Systems

The Joint Degree Program (JDP) is a collaborative academic program established by Nagoya Institute of Technology and overseas partner university, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg.

For Inquiries
Division in Charge Admission Division, NITech
E-mail nit.nyushi[at]
* Please replace [at] with @ when contacting.

Double Degree Program(DDP), Collaborative Doctor Program

  • Tongji University(China) 〔Master's Course・Collaborative Doctor Program〕
  • Beijing University of Chemical Technology(China) 〔Master's Course・Collaborative Doctor Program〕

Double Degree Program(DDP) is an education program in which students can obtain two degrees (from NITech and a partner university) when students complete the educational program at the same academic level and meet the requirements for graduation at each university.

Course Master's Course, Doctor's Course
Program Started Since 2007
Partner University Tongji University(China):Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Industrial Management Engineering
Beijing University of Chemical Technology(China):Life Science and Applied Chemistry
Financial Support NITech Scholarship Fund Available
For Inquiries
Division in Charge International Affairs Division NITech
E-mail international[at]
* Please replace [at] with @ when contacting.

Cotutelle Program

NITech and FAU has established a binational doctoral program called "Cotutelle," which provides a joint supervision. In Japan, the graduate program has been adopted by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) on the Japanese-German Graduate Externship.

Course Doctor's Course
Program Started October 2019 – September 2024
Partner University Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg(FAU), Germany
Financial Support Travel expense would be supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
For Inquiries
Division in Charge International Affairs Division NITech
E-mail international[at]
* Please replace [at] with @ when contacting.

Twinning Program

  • Mongolia Twinning Program

Mongolia Twinning Program is a collaborative educational program with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). It provides for students an opportunity to receive fundamental engineering and Japanese-language education for the initial two and half years(standard years of study in the first half of program)at Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) and undergraduate education for the latter two years in Japan.

Aim of Program Fostering engineer leaders who support in manufacturing industries
Course Undergraduate
Program Started Since 2016
Partner University Mongolian University of Science and Technology(MUST), Mongolia
Financial Support Tuition fee exemption
For Inquiries
Division in Charge International Affairs Division NITech
E-mail international[at]
* Please replace [at] with @ when contacting.

International Graduate Program for Global Engineers (IGPGE)

It is a collaborative program by NITech and several manufacturing companies in the region to foster engineers who play an important role worldwide as a highly-skilled engineer.
This program is designed for overseas students to develop a career in the Japanese manufacturing industry having Japanese language proficiency and professional engineering skills.

Course Master's Course
Program Period 2 years
Program Started in October and End in September
Financial Support Japanese Government Scholarship Available
For Inquiries
Division in Charge International Affairs Division NITech
E-mail international[at]
* Please replace [at] with @ when contacting.

Short-term Study Abroad Programs

  • Short-term Study Aboard Program in Efrei Paris (For Undergraduate students)

This short-term program is specially offered for NITech undergraduate students in Computer Science by Efrei Paris, in France. It’s about a month program, and tuition fee at Efrei Paris would be exempted due to partnership agreement. Approval of credits might be available. This program is usually held in March, up to 20 students.

Partner University Efrei Paris, France
Course Undergraduate: in Computer Science
Will be Held Usually in March
Term of Program About a month
Financial Support Tuition fee exemption
For Inquiries
Division in Charge International Affairs Division NITech
E-mail international[at]
* Please replace [at] with @ when contacting.

EU Funded Programs

Erasmus + Programme

NITech has Erasmus+ program with following 3 universities(as of 1 April, 2024).

Country Name of Universities Student Mobility for Studies Staff Mobility for Teaching Staff Mobility for Training
France Universitè de Limoges -
Poland Poznan University of Technology - -
Romania Politehnica University of Timisoara (UPT) - -
For Inquiries
E-mail For Student Mobility Inquiries:international[at]
For Staff Mobility Inquiries:kokusai[at]
* Please replace [at] with @ when contacting.

Effective Multilingual Interaction in Mobile Environment

In order to develop a mobile device that performs personalized speech-to-speech translation, six universities in the world has paid their way to international research cooperation.

JICA Global Programs

Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)

SATREPS is a Japanese government program that promotes international joint research. The program is structured as a collaboration between the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), which provides competitive research funds for science and technology projects, and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED), which provides competitive research funds for medical research and development, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which provides development assistance (ODA). Based on the needs of developing countries, the program aims to address global issues and lead to research outcomes of practical benefit to both local and global society. NITech has been working on following projects:

Project Theme Regional Resilience Enhancement through Establishment of Area-BCM at Industry Complexes in Thailand
Research Institutions in Japan Nagoya Institute of Technology / National Research Institute of Earth Science and Disaster Resilience / International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM), Public Works Research Institute (PWRI) / University of Tokyo / Keio University
Research Institutions in Thailand Chulalongkorn University / Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM), Department of Public Works and Town and Country Planning (DPT), Ministry of Interior / Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) / Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) / Department of Industrial Works (DIW), Ministry of Industry
ODA Recipient Country Kingdom of Thailand
Adoption fiscal year FY 2017
Project Theme Development and Operation Model of Plant-derived Soil Additives for Road Disaster Reduction on Problematic Soil”
Research Institutions in Japan Kyoto University / University of Miyazaki / Nagoya Institute of Technology(until FY2021) / Ehime University
Research Institutions in Ethiopia Addis Ababa Science and Technology University(AASTU) / Jinka University(JKU) / Ethiopian Roads Authority(ERA)
ODA Recipient Country Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Adoption fiscal year FY 2018
Project Theme The trilateral collaboration project for anti-infectious disease drug development: from lead optimization to preclinical testing
Research Institutions in Japan The University of Tokyo / Nagoya Institute of Technology
Research Institutions in Indonesia and Malaysia Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (Indonesia),University of Malaya (Malaysia)
ODA Recipient Country Republic of Indonesia / Malaysia
Adoption fiscal year FY 2020
Project Theme Development of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Treatment System for Sustainable Energy Production and Resource Recovery based on Material Innovation
Research Institutions in Japan Nagoya Institute of Technology / Kyoto University
Research Institutions in Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
ODA Recipient Country Malaysia
Adoption fiscal year FY2022

JICA Partnership Program (JPP)

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is fully dedicated to supporting projects implementation process in developing countries. The projects have been developed by Japanese NGOs, Japanese local governments, and Japanese universities, by making use of their accumulated knowledge and experience
JICA's assistance activities for developing countries have been carried out under grassroots technical cooperation scheme, including Regional Proposal Type, Support Type, and Partnership Type.

JICA Grassroots Project, Partner-Type

Project Capacity Building on DRRM in Terms of Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery is enhanced in two target barangays
ODA Recipient Country Philippine
Implementer & Counterpart Japan: Nagoya Institute of Technology
Philippine: Bohol, Tubigon
Duration 2014 December - 2018 December

JICA Grassroots Project, Support-Type

Project Review of instruction and spread of unfired red brick manufacturing method for Sahraoui Tozeur in Tunisia
ODA Recipient Country Tunisia
Implementer & Counterpart Japan: Nagoya Institute of Technology
Tunisia: Tozeur Vocational Training School, ODS, UTICA
Duration 2009 November 〜2011 March

Inland Higher Education Project

This is one of the Japanese Government's Official Development Support (ODS) projects. With its ODA project for the Chinese government, some challenges such as market economy reform and reduction in regional disparities in China have been aimed.
This project has been prepared to improve higher education quantitatively and qualitatively in Chinese inland areas.
Nagoya Institution of Technology has actively invited faculty members from the counterpart institutions.