Nagoya Institute of Technology


Erasmus+ Programme - Staff Mobility for Teaching (SMT)

International Relations

Staff Mobility for Teaching (SMT) aims to provide Faculty members with the opportunity to spend a certain period in a partner University in order to develop, broaden and enrich the range and content of their courses and to promote exchange of expertise and experience for further collaboration.

General information

  1. Eligibility: Faculty member belonging to Architecture, Civil Engineering and Industrial Management Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, NITech
  2. Subject Area: Building and Civil Engineering
  3. Duration of mobility: 9 days
  4. Mobility grant: €1,540 (Staying expenses), €1,100(a part of Travel Grant)/person
  5. Selection Process:
    A candidate will be selected by the Selection Board at NITech based on the following criteria.
    • a. Quality of the draft teaching/training programme (0-30 points)
    • b. Compatibility with the activities carried out in UPT (0-30 points)
    • c. Prior cooperation activities with UPT (0-10 points)
  6. Other application information: Posted on the inner online bulletin board
Contact kokusai[at]
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