Nagoya Institute of Technology


Spring Graduation Ceremony was held on March 23rd

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  • Spring Graduation Ceremony was held on March 23rd

Category:Event|Publishing : March 25, 2016

Nagoya Institute of Technology Graduation Ceremony was held on March 23rd.
Total 1605 students including 50 international students completed the Doctor's, Master's and Undergraduate programs respectively. The international students are from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Republic of Korea and Vietnam.
The ceremony opened with awarding diplomas from President Ukai to graduates representative of each department.
Then President Ukai gave a speech to the audience, and Dr. Alexander Martin from Germany gave the address in reply on behalf the doctoral students.
President Ukai made a speech.
Dr. Alexandar Martin from Germany gave the address in reply.
Japanese students in Japanese traditional cloth "HAKAMA".

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  • Spring Graduation Ceremony was held on March 23rd