Educational Research Centers
- NITech Frontier Research Institutes
- Quality Innovation Techno-Center
- NITech Doctoral Global Academy
- Center for Research on Assistive Technology for Building a New Community
- OptoBioTechnology Research Center
- Advanced Ceramics Research Center
- Innovation Center for Multi-Business of Nitride Semiconductors
- Research Center for Nano Devices and Advanced Materials
- Center of Biomedical Physics and Information Technology
- NITech Artificial Intelligence Research Center
- Advanced Disaster Prevention Engineering Center
- Center for Future Communications Research
NITech Frontier Research Institutes
NFRI promote advanced and integrated researches and international joint researches.
NFRI also cultivate innovation leaders.
Quality Innovation Techno-Center

The Quality Innovation Techno-Center was established by a ministerial ordinance in April 2002. This center provides advanced practical education on quality innovation for students and people with full-time jobs. It also conducts research and development on educational systems for quality innovation. This center mainly aims to support young researchers and engineers to realize their innovative activities and dreams. It encourages these young people to develop an adventurous and bold spirit toward pursuing quality innovation in the future, by offering an ideal environment for technical education. Examples of our activities are as follows: 1) Further enriched practical education through workshops for students and graduate students; 2) Recurring educational courses for industrial engineers; and 3) Technical lectures and working practice for junior high and high school students.
NITech Doctoral Global Academy

Based on the collaboration with the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, we promote the development of global human resources required by local industries through a world-class doctoral education.
Center for Research on Assistive Technology for Building a New Community

Science and technology are still expected to solve issues in Japan as a hyper-aged socity. It is not enough to simply contribute toward helping those who are aged. The more anticipated contribution is to assist them to participate in their communities. Thus, it is indispensable for us to have fresh ideas on technologies that focus on the living areas of older people, ideas that can emerge by connecting people with science, society, and engineering. From this point, the Center aims to carry out continuous and comprehensive research on assistive technologies for building new communities, through fieldwork and deep study. Such new communities would enable people of all generations to cooperate and live together happily.
OptoBioTechnology Research Center

Life science utilizing optotechnology is a rapidly growing research field. “Optogenetics” has recently brought about outstanding breakthroughs in brain science, while the established “optical measurement” technique was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2008. The Center contributes to our community by creating a new field of industry, which is based on an engineering approach to life science that focuses on light reactions. By elucidating the physics of light, and in order to manufacture bio-inspired new materials, we aim to improve the health-related quality of life. The membrane protein rhodopsin, for instance, which is a light- driven ion-pump that has already been applied in the field of optogenetics, is still to be optimized to give the best performance and safety. Across three departments, we will spur each other on in enhancing our respective research activities in tight collaboration and in promoting the integration of interdisciplinary research fields beyond the Center.
Advanced Ceramics Research Center

Our mission is research into fundamental ceramics science and development of advanced intelligent ceramics for solving environmental and energy problems in the 21st century. Our Research Center was established in 1973 at the Tsurumai (Nagoya) campus as the Ceramics Research Laboratory (CRL), which in 1977 moved to Tajimi City. In 2012, the CRL was reorganized into the Advanced Ceramics Research Center (ACRC) for the purpose of developing intelligent ceramics. The pottery industry in this East-Gifu region has a long history. The ACRC has long supported industrial research in many companies in this local area and has contributed to ceramics science as well as academic education for research engineers worldwide. Recently, national projects and collaborations with other organizations and companies have led to excellent academic and technological work in the field of ceramics and related materials.
Innovation Center for Multi-Business of Nitride Semiconductors

The Innovation Center for Multi-Business of Nitride Semiconductors was established as the base of industry-university-government cooperation for developing practical applications of GaN-based power devices with NITech’s pioneering crystal growth technique to fabricate GaN film on Si substrates. The project realizes energy-saving semiconductors with high-added value by taking advantage of the existing production lines for Si devices in collaboration with corporations dedicated to developing equipment for crystal growth and device processing, large-diameter and high-quality materials, and devices for home appliances, communications, automobiles, etc. The development processes of equipment, materials, and devices are permanently conducted under one roof.
Research Center for Nano Devices and Advanced Materials

The Research Center for Nano Devices and Advanced Materials was established on April 1, 2003, following the wind-up of a 10-year project―the “Research Center for Micro-Structure Devices”―on March 31, 2003. The purpose of the Center is to conduct research on the physical properties of materials with a micro-structure (nano-structure) and their application to electronic and photonic devices, taking over the research work into “Heteroepitaxial Crystals with Micro-Structures”, “Basic Characterization”, and “Device Fabrication and Its Characterization” studied at the previous research Center.
Center of Biomedical Physics and Information Technology

This center integrates the fields of biomedical physics and information technology to bring novel solutions at the forefront of complex problems in public health, medical care, and product design by application of data science that combines high quality and large volume of computational data with measurement data. The goal is to foster individuals with multifaceted and creative thinking by founding a new research field in collaboration with leading research centers in Japan and overseas.
NITech Artificial Intelligence Research Center

The NITech AI Research Center contributes toward the development of society and industry as an “Innovation Hub” based on realistic AI technologies. Through tight collaboration with related engineering areas in NITech, we provide realistic solutions to issues and problems in society and industry. The NITech AI Research Center pursues the following four missions: (1) Develop advanced and innovative intelligent computing technologies; (2) Contribute to industries and regional society with wide-ranging outputs; (3) Engage in global activities in academia and industry; and (4) Provide education in AI technologies. To this end, the NITech AI Research Center founded the Advanced Intelligent Computing Research Division, Data Science Division, Information Technology Division, and Society Cooperative Research Division. In particular, the NITech AI Research Center has committed itself to strengthening Japanese industry and academia. For example, AI consortium provides opportunities for industries in Tokai-area to learn AI technologies, and co-create AI-based solutions for their industrial problems.
Advanced Disaster Prevention Engineering Center

Prediction, mitigation and control of huge natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and typhoons will be the final goal of ADPEC. By clarifying the process and mechanism of each type of natural disaster and developing various kinds of technologies utilized to deal with such huge disasters, we aim to establish a world leading research Center for disaster prevention and mitigation.
Meanwhile, we will make every effort to help prevent and mitigate huge disasters based on the viewpoint of useful and easily acceptable technologies. We always keep in mind that the technology we develop should be able to make a real contribution to the construction of a robust society that can stand firm in the face of a natural disaster.
Center for Future Communications Research

This center is working in industry-academia collaboration as an R&D base for highly reliable communication research that will support a safer and more secure digital society in the future, and for developing its international standardization. Extremely high reliability is required for various communication systems (electrical/optical wired communication and wireless communication) that connect to digital platforms that will become the social infrastructure of the future. We are promoting research specializing in hardware reliability, mainly across three pillars: electromagnetic compatibility, quality of service, and security. In addition, this center aims to contribute to the industry as a test house for conformity testing, etc. by advancing the development of communication performance evaluation equipment.