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Home > Topics > 2016/06/20(Mon) NITECH FRONTIER RESEARCH INSTITUTES seminer "Constraint-based Intelligent Systems" by Professor Abdul Sattar

2016/06/20(Mon) NITECH FRONTIER RESEARCH INSTITUTES seminer "Constraint-based Intelligent Systems" by Professor Abdul Sattar

Category:Event|Publishing : June 12, 2016

Pofessor Abdul Sattar propels his research for the knowledge representation and reasoning, constraint satisfaction, intelligent scheduling, rational agents, propositional satisfiability, temporal reasoning, temporal databases, and bioinformatics.

WHEN 2016/06/20th (Mon) 15:30-17:00
WHERE Main Hall, Bldg.4
Seminar Info

Professor Abdul Sattar

"Constraint-based Intelligent Systems"

→Details (pdf)

FOR all graduate students and faculty members (Open seminar)
Researvation NOT required (Free)

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