25-Mar-2017 The 2nd NITech Music Project 'East Meets West'
Category:Event|Publishing : January 12, 2017
The 2nd NITech Music Project
East Meets West
Date: 13:00-15:00, 25th March, 2017
Venue: NITech Hall, Nagoya Institute of Technology
FREE of Charge
A fabulous programme of Japanese and Italian music and comedy: Goeika (Japanese Buddhists' hymn) versus Gregorian chants (Sacred songs of the Roman Catholic Church), Kyogen (Noh comedy) versus Commedia dell'Arte (Italian equivalent of Kyogen), Opera, and more! All will be performed by distinguished professionals and NITech Orchestra ensemble will join for some performance.
Contact us |
Email: matsuura.chikako [at] nitech.ac.jp |
Takayuki NOGUCHI -Kyogen-Artist
Baikakoh SENJUJI -Goeika group
Hanada-Kouen-Mae Ensemble from NITech Orchestra
Hiroo HADAME -Supervisor, Piano