Nagoya Institute of Technology


"VOICEs from NITech", an introduction movie and promotional video of our university has been released

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  • "VOICEs from NITech", an introduction movie and promotional video of our university has been released

Category:News|Publishing : March 31, 2022

We have released a video for those who would like to learn at NITech.

Nagoya Institute of Technology is committed to Monozukuri (Innovation), Hitozukuri (Education), and Miraizukuri (Contribution) under the slogan of "Engineering with heart and mind for humanity".

This introduction movie shows that our education and each research fields of our university, and also shows real voices and real people of the enrolled students, the faculty and the alumni at the university in daily life.

We have released the promotional video which was taken by Micro Drone, this will be the image movie of our university. The video is very realistic and exciting, please enjoy!

【NITech Introduction Movie -VOICEs from NITech-

【NITech Promotional Video -VOICEs from NITech-】


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  • "VOICEs from NITech", an introduction movie and promotional video of our university has been released