愛知の産業グローバル化を支える留学生の募集について-Application for Aichi Scholarship Program-
愛知県は、本県から支給される奨学金により、日本以外の国・地域から新たに来日し、本県内の大学院において本県の産業グローバル化を支える分野に関する勉学又は専門分野の研究を行い、修学終了後に本県企業へ就職することを目指す「愛知の産業グローバル化を支える留学生」を募集する。 奨学金の趣旨をよく理解し、2年6か月にわたる研究を遂行する資質、能力及び意欲並びに本県企業へ就職する意欲が十分にある者からの申請を受付ける
The Aichi Prefectural Government is currently taking applications for the Aichi Scholarship Program. Utilizing scholarship fund provided by the prefectural government, students from outside of Japan will travel to Aichi and enroll in graduate school to study the specialized fields and related subjects that support Aichi's industry. After completing their courses of study, it is obligated for them to work for a company in this prefecture.
During the scholarship period, the student must report the progress of their studies, research, grades etc. to the governor written and sent at the specified timing. Also they need to cooperate with projects involving Aichi prefecture
* Applicants ideally possess a basic Japanese Knowledge such as JLPT4 (Japanese language Proficiency Test).
Japanese Language Proficiency Test Result and Employment Conditions
If a student cannot pass Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) from grade N1 to N4, the amount of stipend (normally JPY150,000) will be decreased from JPY150,000 to JPY100,000. If you pass the exam after the reduction and your certified documents have been accepted, the stipend will be set back to JPY 150,000 from the following the month.
If a student cannot get an acceptance from a company in Aichi the student work for, the scholarship ends in February 2027.
Scholarships will be abolished for those who do not receive a job offer from a company in Aichi prefecture by the last two months of the master's course.
応募資格等 / Eligibility
please read carefully the outline : Outline of the Aichi Scholarship Program(2024)pdf
Application procedures
1. まず、上記「愛知の産業グローバル化を支える留学生」募集要項を熟読してください。応募資格及び条件を満たした上で、希望する指導教員を名古屋工業大学研究者データベースで調べてください。
Please carefully read "Outline of the Aichi Scholarship Program (2024)."
If you meet the application qualifications and wish to apply for Aichi scholarship Program, first search for your prospective supervisor in the NITech Researcher Database.
2. 次に本学のホームページ「入試案内」の下部「参照用」にある該当年度の担当教員一覧で、希望する指導教員の氏名があるか確認した上で、指導教員とメールでコンタクトを取り、指導教員の受入の承諾を得てください。
In addition, after confirming whether the name of prospective supervisor you with to apply for is in the list of academic advisors (担当教員一覧) in the applicable academic year at the bottom of our website "入試案内/admission guide" under "参照用/Reference" section, please contact with the prospective supervisor directly and ask for his/her acceptance.
3. 承諾を得られたら、申請書類を準備してください。 (電子署名可。PDFの書類を送付してください。)
Once you have acceptance, prepare the documents.(You can use e-signature. Please send PDF documents by e-mail)
- Form 1_留学生申請書/Application Form 2024.doc
- Form 2_誓約書/Pledge 2024.doc
- Form 3_健康診断書/ Certificate of Health 2024.doc
- 出身大学の卒業証明書又は学位記の写し(在学中の場合は、在学証明書及び卒業見込み証明書)
Proof of Graduation (Official Certificate of Graduation, or Copy of Diploma) or
a certificate of student status and proof of expected graduation (if the applicant is in college.) - 出身大学の成績証明書(出身大学の発行したもの)
Official Academic transcript issued by the university from which applicant graduated. - パスポートの写し/ Copy of Passport
- 出身大学の研究科長又は学部長以上の役職者による、愛知県知事宛ての推薦書
Recommendation letter to the governor by the dean/department chairperson
(or person of higher position) of the university department
from which the applicant graduated. (On University Letterhead.) - 写真(6か月以内に撮影したもので、4㎝×3㎝、上半身、正面、脱帽)
Photo (4cm x 3cm, taken within the last six months, upper-body, full-faced and without a cap.) - 類型該当性の自己申告書 / Declaration of Applicable Specific Categories.docx
4. メールで指導教員と国際交流課へ電子ファイルを送付してください。
Send data of the documents via email to your prospective supervisor and NITech International Affairs Division.
E-mail: international [at] adm.nitech.ac.jp
* Please replace [at] with @ when contacting
5. 指導教員から国際交流課への書類提出の〆切:2024年4月19日
Submission of documents from supervisor to International Affairs Division deadline (internal deadline): : April 19th, 2024
* The internal selection will be conducted after the internal deadline.
Although the deadline of Aichi Prefecture is May 17th, 2024, applications after the internal deadline will not be accepted.
国際交流課問い合わせ先 / Inquiry to International Affairs Division
international [at] adm.nitech.ac.jp 「at」を@に代えて送ってください。 * Please replace [at] with @ when contacting |