


研究生 Research Student


Research Student Program for international student of Nagoya Institute of Technology Application Instruction FY2024


Those who would like to apply for the Research Student Program for international students in 2024 should submit the documents as follows. Applicants should find a prospective supervisor in Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITech) on your own and confirm their acceptance as a research student.


1. 出願資格

(1) 学部研究生/Undergraduate research student

  • 学校教育において16年の課程を修了した者及び入学時までに修了見込みの者
  • 本学において個別に資格審査により大学を卒業した者と同等以上の学力があると認めた者*
  • Those who have successfully completed, or are expected to complete a 16-year school education or are expected to complete by enrollment as a research student or have been recognized as having the equivalent academic ability*.

(2) 大学院研究生/Graduate research student

  • 修士の学位を有する者及び入学時までに取得見込みの者
  • 本学大学院において修士の学位を有する者と同等以上の学力があると認めた者*
  • Those who have or who are expected to obtain master's degree by enrollment as a research student or who have been recognized as having an equivalent academic ability*.

*同等以上の学力があると認めた者については、出願前に資格審査を行い出願の可否を決定する。 また、大学院入学時には改めて資格審査が必要となる。
*Pre-screening for entrance eligibility will be conducted for applicants, who have been recognized as having equivalent academic ability, by the department committee prior to the examination of the Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITech) Academic Committee. When applying for NITech graduate school, those applicants are also subject to take eligibility screening in advance of the entrance examination if they satisfy application qualification for NITech graduate school.

Due date for application

For enrollment in April, 2024
Due date: Friday of 8 December, 2023
For enrollment in October, 2024
Due date: Friday of 10 May, 2024

※Applications must reach us by the due dates.These dates are subject to change. Please contact us by e-mail.

Pre-application procedures

Find a prospective supervisor, send your resume in the designated format and a copy of certificate of language proficiency by the following due date.

For April 2024 Enrollment
Due date: Friday of 10 November, 2023
For October 2024 Enrollment
Due date: Friday of 10 April, 2024

  • 指導教員には、氏名、国籍、所属大学、入学希望年月、研究生として研究したいテーマ、これまで大学で専攻した分野、職歴の他、授業料や留学生活に必要な費用の負担者について伝えてください。
    Please inform a prospective supervisor at the following matters: your name, nationality, university where you belong, time and period of your enrollment as a research student, research theme, your major in your university, work experience, and who will pay the tuition, fee and other necessary expense for your study abroad.

  • 本学教員の専攻分野を知りたいときは、研究者データベースで検索することができます。
    You can find a prospective supervisor in the field of your major in our researcher database system.
  • 語学能力証明書は、TOEFL-iBT・TOEIC L&R・日本語能力試験などの成績書です。
    Certificate of Language Proficiency is a TOEFL-iBT or TOEIC L&R score sheet, or JLPT certificate.

(2) 指導教員からメールで「研究生としての受入の内諾」を得る。
You must obtain approval of acceptance from a prospective supervisor by e-mail

Application procedure

Send application documents to International Affairs Division by e-mail first.    

    • 特に問題がない場合は、検定料の支払いについて案内しますので、その指示に従い、検定料を支払ってください。
      When you get an instruction for payment of the application fee from International Affairs Division, please pay the application fee. 

    • 検定料は9,800円(日本円)です。不足があった場合、入金を受け付けず、出願は認められません。送金に係る手数料は本人負担です。
      The amount of the application fee is JPY 9,800. If there is a shortage, the deposit will not be accepted, and your application will not be accepted. The applicant is responsible for the remittance fee.

  • 納めた検定料は返還されません。
    The application fee cannot be refunded once it is paid.

    (2) 出願書類を以下に従い郵送してください。
    Send application documents by postal mail

      Mailing address

      〒466‐8555 愛知県 名古屋市 昭和区 御器所町
      名古屋工業大学 国際交流課 研究生担当 行
      International Affairs Division, Nagoya Institute of Technology
      Gokiso, Showa, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan Zipcode 466-8555

      We cannot return the documents submitted.

      Documents for application


      Research period

      (1) 6カ月又は1年。ただし、引き続き同一の研究題目による研究を必要とする場合は、延べ期間2年を限度に延長することができます。
      6 months or 1 year. 
      However, if you wish to continue the same research theme, you may be permitted to extend the research period up to a maximum of 2 years.

      (2) 研究期間の延長を希望する場合は、本学所定の研究期間延長願書等を提出し、許可を得なければなりません。なお、延長手続は、上記4.出願手続に準じますが、履歴書、卒業した大学が発行する証明書及び写真は、提出する必要はありません。
      When you would like to extend your research period, you will need to fill out a designated application form and submit the documents, and you need to have permission for a research period extension. The necessary documents are same as "4. Application procedure," however, you don't have to submit a resume, certificates issued by the university you graduated from, and photo.


      It will be selected by the relevant committee based upon your application documents.

      Notification of result

      It will be announced by e-mail to successful applicants.


      (1) 入学料 84,600円
      Admission fee: JPY 84,600

      (2) 授業料 6カ月 178,200円
      Tuition for 6 months JPY 178,200


          • ①入学料及び授業料については、入学時及び在学中に改定が行われた場合には、新入学料及び新授業料が適用されます。
            If there are modifications of the admission fee and tuition, new admission fee and tuitions will be applied.
          • ②一旦納入した入学料及び授業料は、返還しません。
            Paid admission fee and tuition are not refundable.
          • ③入学料及び授業料の納入方法等については、合格決定後通知します。
            Payment method will be announced after the notification of results.
          • ④入学料及び授業料は、入学時に262,800円を一度に支払うことが必要です。分割して支払うことはできません。
            You must pay JPY 262,800 at all once as admission fee and tuition. We do not accept payment in installments.
          • ⑤入学許可日から1ヶ月以内に納付しなければ入学許可を取り消します。
            If you don't pay the admission fee and tuition within one month of the date of admission, the admission will be cancelled.

      (3) 実験・実習等に要する費用は、本人負担とすることがあります。
      You may be requested to bear the expense of experiments and practice.


      (1) 本学で研究や学生生活を送るために、日本語能力試験2級またはそれに準ずる日本語能力が必要です。
      Applicants should have Japanese proficiency to study at NITech. You are expected to have the official score for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N2, or equivalent to JLPT N2 level.

      (2) 必要により、証明書を発行した卒業大学へ正本確認を行います。出願書類に虚偽の記載をしたことが判明した場合は、入学後でも入学を取消す場合があります。
      We may confirm the authenticity of Certificates through your home college/university, if necessary.
      Falsification of certificates may result in suspension or revocation of application.

      (3) 再入学は認められません。
      Re-admission is not possible.

      (4) 研究を終了したときは、研究成果の概要を記載した「研究終了届(本学所定の様式)」を提出してください。研究終了届を提出した者に対して、「研究従事証明書」を交付することができます。
      When you complete your research, you must submit a completion of research on the designated form with a summary of your research. Those who submitted a completion of research can apply for a Certificate of research.

      If you wish to change your research period, you must submit the form to the International Affairs Division at least 1 month prior to your planed admission date.

      If you wish to withdraw from NITech, you must contact the International Affairs Division at least 1 month prior to your intended date of withdrawal and submit the form to receive permission. If you have not paid the tuition for the term, your application for withdraw will not be accepted.

      Security Export Control


      Nagoya Institute of Technology has established the "Nagoya Institute of Technology Security Export Control Regulations" in accordance with the "Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act" and rigorously screens potentials international students on the basis of these regulations.In November 2021 in accordance with the clarification of the scope of control for "deemed exports" under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act ("FEFTA"), all applicants who are to study at Nagoya Institute of Technology will be required to submit a "Declaration of applicable specific categories" based on the "Flowchart for determining applicable specific categories." In addition, some students
      may be required to submit a "pledge" at the time of admission procedures. Please be aware that applicants who fall under any of the conditions set out in said regulations may have their education or research activities restricted.


      TEL 052-735-5608
      E-mail international[@]adm.nitech.ac.jp

      〒466‐8555 愛知県 名古屋市 昭和区 御器所町
      名古屋工業大学 国際交流課
      International Affairs Division, Nagoya Institute of Technology
      Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN 466-8555
