Mr.KATO Yuki Awarded The 2020 International Conference on Natural Science, Engineering, and Technology (NSET 2020) Distinguished Paper Award.
Category:Award|Publishing : January 22, 2020
Award winner
Mr.KATO Yuki, Department of Architecture ,Civil Engineering and Industrial Management Engineering
The 2020 International Conference on Natural Science, Engineering, and Technology (NSET 2020) Distinguished Paper Award
Award-winning research
By analyzing many restaurant "eWOM" (Electronic Word-of-Mouth), we tried to extract various customer needs in the Japanese foodservice industry. In this study, based on the characteristics of the foodservice industry and eWOM text data, we proposed an analysis process using LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) that extracts a quantitative customer evaluation structure from eWOM data. By collecting eWOM data from the Japanese gourmet site "Tabelog" and analyzing data using proposal process, we were able to quantitatively confirm such as the differences in the strategy policies of famous chain stores and the effects of brands.