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SHIBATA Lab's Research on the Cover of ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering

Category:News|Publishing : May 16, 2024

In a remarkable intersection of art and science, Shibata Lab once again captured the spotlight with its latest publication in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. The research, led by Professor Norio SHIBATA, presents advances in the field with the paper entitled "Mechanochemical Deoxyfluorination of Carboxylic Acids to Acyl Fluorides and Successive Mechanochemical Amide Bond Formation." This study was co-authored by Dr. Zhengyu Zhao researcher), Mr. IKAWA Sota (second year of the Master's Course, Department of Engineering, Life Science and Applied Chemistry Program), and Professor SHIBATA Norio (Department of Nanopharmaceutical Sciences and Department of Engineering (Life Science and Applied Chemistry)) to bridge the gap between chemistry and environmental sustainability.


Fig. 1 "ALCHEMY," the 30th work of "Supplementary Cover Art"

This publication is uniquely complemented by a "Supplementary Cover Art" entitled "ALCHEMY," conceived and created by an artist of Japanese-style painting. This artwork, which symbolizes the pursuit of a sustainable future through science, depicts plants thriving in a glass vessel, illustrating the delicate balance and conflicts encountered in environmental conservation. This visual metaphor not only highlights humanity's ongoing quest for sustainability but also embodies the challenges and aspirations inherent in scientific endeavors.

Professor SHIBATA, a visionary who sees deep connections between the creative arts and scientific innovation, states, "Science is fundamentally about creation, and the integration of engineering and art is essential to our approach. This philosophy has led to a series of collaborations with Japanese-style painters, making "ALCHEMY" the 30th collaborative artwork since 2013.

The featured research uses mechanochemical reactions to connect and cleave carbon-fluorine bonds, using mechanical stress such as milling to eliminate the need for organic solvents. This method represents a significant step toward more sustainable chemical processes and highlights the importance of green approaches in modern chemistry.

For more details on this research, see the Nagoya Institute of Technology press release published on February 19, 2024 (posted on February 19, 2024).This work not only highlights the critical role of sustainable practices in science but also sparks widespread interest in green chemistry among both experts and the general public.

Shibata Laboratory Website

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering

Title: Mechanochemical Deoxyfluorination of Carboxylic Acids to Acyl Fluorides and Successive Mechanochemical Amide Bond Formation
Authors: Zhengyu Zhao, Sota Ikawa, Soichiro Mori, Yuji Sumii, Hiroaki Adachi, Takumi Kagawa, and Norio Shibata*
Article information: DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c0641 

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