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Mr. MITSUYA Tatsuhiko receives Guinness World Records™「Smallest humanoid robot」.

Category:Award|Publishing : June 7, 2024

Award winner

Mr. MITSUYA Tatsuhiko, Program of Computational Intelligence, Department of Engineering

KATO Shohei Laboratory)


Guinness World Records™「Smallest humanoid robot」

The date of the recognition: April 6, 2024

Guinness World Records

Award-winning research

It has been officially recognised by Guinness World Records as the world's smallest humanoid robot. In addition to being the first time in 17 years that Japan has recaptured the world record, the robot's size is also a significant record-breaker at 57.676 mm, less than half of the previous record of 141 mm. To achieve the smaller size, a leg structure of its own invention was adopted, which is also innovative in design. It was developed together with an app that allows the robot to be controlled remotely via a smartphone.


Award winner's comments

I am very honored to be awarded the prestigious Guinness World Record. I would like to thank Professor Shohei Kato for his continuous supervision and great cooperation in this record application, and the Sawatetsu Corporation for their expert measurements. In the future, we aim to further improve this robot and complete it, including the peripheral system, so that it can function as an AI-independently controllable fighting hobby robot.


Provided by: Guinness World Records

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