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Ms. Risa Yasuda, Mr. Shuta Takimoto receives ENGE 2020 Best Poster Award.

Category:Award|Publishing : April 13, 2021

Award winner

Ms. Risa Yasuda, Life Science and Applied Chemistry Program, Department of Engineering

Mr. Shuta Takimoto, Creative Engineering Program, Department of Engineering

NAKAYAMA Laboratory


ENGE 2020 Best Poster Award (ENGE 2020)

Award-winning research

Risa Yasuda "Structure Classification for Li Containing Oxides by Machine Learning"

Vast number of undiscovered or non-reported materials are potentially exist in multicomponent compounds, suggesting the potential of many new applications. Thus, trial-and-error experimental verification is unrealistic to find novel functional compounds. Machine learning prediction is used to solve this problem based on composition information. Besides, we added the structural information to the machine learning scheme, which is difficult to obtain beforehand for new/unknown compositions, by transfer-learning techniques. We succeeded in improving prediction accuracy for ionic conductivity of arbitrary compositions.



Shuta Takimoto "Preparation of metastable chloride solid electrolyte with high formability for all-solid-state lithium metal batteries"

All solid-state Li metal batteries have been attracted wide range attentions to overcome safety issues arising from short-circuiting by Li metal dendrite. This study suggests chloride green compacts as solid electrolytes with high formability. LiAlCl4 was chosen by combination of high-throughput calculations and experimental studies, and we succeeded to demonstraght stable Li metal dessolution/precipitation reaction without short-circuiting during electrochemical cycles.


Award winner's comments

Ms. Risa Yasuda

I am very pleased to receive such an award at an international conference. This award is due to the cooperation of our academic advisors, Prof. Nakayama, Prof. Takeda, Dr. Tanibata, Mr. Atsumi and the members of the laboratory. I am deeply grateful to everyone.
In the future, we would like to pursue further research with the aim of discovering new battery materials.


Mr. Shuta Takimoto

This is a great honor for me to be awarded in the international conference. I express my sincere gratitude to my supervisors, Prof. Nakayama, Prof. Takeda, Dr. Tanibata, and all members in my laboratory. I would like to continue to extend my research on chloride materials to contribute to realize all-solid-state batteries.

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