

International Relations


Jiang Zinan
Home University(Country)
Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Department at home university
Material Science and Engineering
Research Period at NITech


あなたの大学について/About your school

あなたが大学を選んだ理由/Major reason to enroll to the home university
  1. The location is in Beijing ,which is the capital city of China, and is the nation's political, cultural, and educational center.
  2. It is one of China's key institutions of higher education especially in chemistry, material engineering and chemical engineering.
あなたの大学ではどの分野が強いですか/Fields at the most prevailing at your school
  1. Material Science and Engineering (one of the top 10 among its counterparts nationwide)
  2. Chemical Engineering (one of the top 3 among its counterparts nationwide)
あなたの大学で自慢できることをおしえてください/Points you can be proud of your home university
  1. Very good studying atmosphere and research equipment
  2. One of the "Project 211" national universities & one of the top 50 in all Chinese universities.
  3. Gives student enough freedom to choose their research topic and enough space for idea exchange. Teachers and professors respect students and their ideas.
学年歴を教えてください/When the semester starts and ends?
Starts at September, ends at June. But some short term exchange programs are not limited by this rule.
英語で授業を受講することは可能ですか/Are there any courses offered instructed in English?
We have full courses conducted in English in following major:
  1. Material Science and Engineering
  2. Chemical Engineering
名工大で受講した授業もしくは研究と、あなたの大学で異なる点を教えてください/Tell us what you find the differences between home university and NITech in terms of school life, like taking courses or conducting research.
  1. Home university has subscription agreements with all online electronic journals, which provides the students with an enormous free of charge database for the latest publication from all over the world
  2. The research equipment in Nitech is more advanced than BUCT, but for some certain measurements, BUCT is quicker to provide the measurement results.

住居、生活環境、日常生活について/About residence, circumstances around school and daily life

家賃(月額)/Monthly rent in average for university students
  1. RMB¥1500 (JPY¥24000) for one bed, two bed in one room.
  2. RMB¥3000(JPY¥48000) for one room.
(In the room, AC, private bath room is provided, public kitchen is provided for each floor.)
大学の立地環境/Circumstances around University (eg; nearby hospitals, easy access to downtown, countryside, etc.)
University is located near the central of Beijing, belong to the downtown area of Beijing, three minutes walking to the nearest subway station, five minutes walking to the nearby hospital which sponsored by Japan, big supermarket and small shops are surrounded.
気候(名古屋と比較して)/Year-round weather condition comparing with that of Nagoya
  1. Spring and autumn is short compared to Nagoya. Summer is not so hot, the average temperature is around 30℃. In winter, the lowest temperature will be around -10℃, and the average is around -5℃. (We have heater in all the rooms)
  2. Humidity is very low, sometimes rain falls only once per month especially in winter. Normally we think the weather is dry.
生活費(月額)及びおおよその内訳(円換算で)/Monthly living cost and its breakdown
Monthly Living Cost: RMB¥2000 (JPY¥32000)
  1. Food Expenses: RMB¥1300(JPY¥20000)
  2. Miscellaneous Expenses(including shopping, transportation and possible occasional outside dining):RMB¥700(JPY¥12000)

最後に/Message to NITech student

あなたの大学へ留学を目指す名工大学生へ一言/Message to NITech student wishing to go abroad to your home university
I really encourage you to come to China, to see this one of the oldest nation in the world, to touch the ancient civilization in the world, to say hello to friendly Chinese people, and to know a China and our Chinese people in the real life but not in the media and newspaper. BUCT is a similar university of NITech, we have same engineering background, we have same studying atmosphere, and we have long history corporation program. Here, in China, in the capital city of China - Beijing, in one of great university in Beijing - BUCT, I believe you can enjoy your life to the fullest.