
フランス(ESTP - Ecole Speciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l'Industrie)

International Relations


バレヌ ナイナ
Home University(Country)
ESTP (Ecole Speciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l'Industrie)(Paris, France)
Department at home university
Civil Engineering (TP, Travaux Publics)
Research Period at NITech
6 months from March to September


あなたの大学について/About your school

あなたが大学を選んだ理由/Major reason to enroll to the home university
One of the leading engineering schools in France; Widespread alumni network; Parternships with numerous engineering firms, Parternships with numerous foreign universities
あなたの大学ではどの分野が強いですか/Fields at the most prevailing at your school
Civil engineering, Building, Mechanics and Electricity, Land surveying
あなたの大学で自慢できることをおしえてください/Points you can be proud of your home university
Wide range of international contacts
学年歴を教えてください/When the semester starts and ends?
First semester from September to January; Second semester from February to June
英語で授業を受講することは可能ですか/Are there any courses offered instructed in English?
A few courses are taught in English, such as Strength of Materials, Off-shore, Steel Construction Nuclear Engineering
名工大で受講した授業もしくは研究と、あなたの大学で異なる点を教えてください/Tell us what you find the differences between home university and NITech in terms of school life, like taking courses or conducting research.
More research facilities in NITech (laboratories, specialised departments) and maybe more facilities and utilities on the campus (bank, combini, cafeteria) in NITech. More green spaces in ESTP. Pratical experience required (internships) in the ESTP education system.

住居、生活環境、日常生活について/About residence, circumstances around school and daily life

家賃(月額)/Monthly rent in average for university students
around 600 euros per month for the room rent in the student dormitory on the campus, around 450 euros monthly for a room in the international residence for students in Paris
大学の立地環境/Circumstances around University (eg; nearby hospitals, easy access to downtown, countryside, etc.)
15 to 20 min from Paris downtown, many facilities around and in the campus (subway station nearby, shops, restaurants, other university, libraries, sport grounds, bank and post offices), 1h from country side
気候(名古屋と比較して)/Year-round weather condition comparing with that of Nagoya
Spring: Nice weather, sunny but no ohanami in the parcs but the flower in bloom everywhere ; Summer: not as hot and dry; Autumn: a bit windy but nice weather; Winter: not as cold as in Nagoya
生活費(月額)及びおおよその内訳(円換算で)/Monthly living cost and its breakdown
450 euros monthly to have a confortable student life, buying groceries (green vegetables and fruits) cheaper, Paris can be stressful..

最後に/Message to NITech student

あなたの大学へ留学を目指す名工大学生へ一言/Message to NITech student wishing to go abroad to your home university
If you are interested by French culture and feel brave enaugh to experience student life in Paris, welcome to ESTP! New situations that will for sure change your self and point of view, many discoveries and surprises await you. Help you find out more about yourself and others. Memorable experience that would lead to a valuable change in your life