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This corner focuses on a person who has made remarkable achievements at NITech.
April, 2018
Mr. Duraisamy Sarath Babu (India)
Third year of doctorial course student
Department of Physical Science and Engineering

Before I start- first and foremost, I would like to thank for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to write an article on Nagoya Institute of Technology homepage. I was born in Thanjavur (Rice Blow of Tamilnadu), India. Thanjavur is an important region of south Indian religion, a city which provide me a sound education and opportunities for personal growth. Since my earliest school days, I have been interested in the pursuit of knowledge and truth. This has stayed with me into adult life, and I was able to gain bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering discipline at Velammal Engineering College affiliated to Anna University-India. I worked hard to become the engineer that was honestly my dream since childhood. Mechanical Engineering is a very versatile type of engineering where you can learn engineering, material science, physics, design and mechanical system disciplines. After my bachelor degree graduation, I realized the importance of ideas and principles in engineering discipline. This knowledge motivates me further to pursue my master degree program in Product Design and Development and help build things to better the world.
During my master degree industrial project work I learn lot of basic concepts (quality princliples-5s, Kaizen-continuous improvements) which are used inside the industries. Sustaining in the competitive and challenging world we must keep on improving our self with greater skills. I successfully completed my master degree program and it was awesome news that I secured first position. Success is where hard work and opportunity meet, I received the priceless information from my friend who selected MEXT Scholarship (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan). He explained me clearly about the higher studies and research works at NITech (Nagoya Institute of Technology), Japan. Even though I lived for my most of life benefiting from a warm and supporting family, I thought this time I should grab this opportunity to improve myself. NITech is in Nagoya region serving the world with higher quality education and outstanding research achievements. I wondered one thing about NITech is how they are providing world class education more than an era. During my master degree program, I researched about aluminum alloy and I plan to elaborate my study in doctor degree program at NITech, Japan.
I am currently pursuing my doctor degree program in Watanabe-Sato Lab under the valuable guidance of professor Hisashi Sato. NITech international student office and my mentor are very support for all my discussions. International student office Ms. Yamashita who is the care taker of MEXT Scholarship guided me whenever I need help. I received the E-mail from international student office about my acceptance of MEXT Scholarship and I am very excited after seeing that mail. It was my first time going to live in overseas and I thank everyone particularly my friend who helped me for this wonderful opportunity. I arrived and my busiest schedule in Japan starts with intensive Japanese language classes. The life in international student hostel is filled with different country friends and languages. It is very interesting and enjoyable to know about various cultures, habits and foods. I have friends from various countries and we used to play table tennis and football on holidays at NITech hostel.

At present, I am doing research in aluminum composite materials and my research group hardly working on improvement of materials. The lab atmosphere is peaceful and the research work motivates me to learn more. In our lab we have weekly seminar to evaluate our working process. The professors are engaging with us directly for all the seminar and discussions. This helps me to do my work efficiently with continuous improvement. Every day I compare myself with previous day work and try to achieve more knowledge. Professor Watanabe teaches me how to convert the stones into milestones. Personally, he discussed with me a lot to improve my Japanese language skill and research knowledge. Professor Hisashi Sato showed me correct path to reach my goals every day. Whenever I need to overcome the challenges professor guided me to overcome that and he is the artist for my student life.

In our research group, we are participating in various international and national conferences to improve our learning process. Such a great platform provided by NITech is key factor to become a successful student to inspire a creative and positive way of dealing with the various problems in research and everyday life. Other than studies NITech has excellent extracurricular facilities for student’s communication skills, placement activities and culture exchange program. NITech gave me the chance to visit the world’s leading car manufacturing Toyota for one-day trip. Different country peoples can show their talents at NITech culture program. I also participated various dance and singing events at NITech. I was lucky enough to participate in the new NITech Cosmo Village opening ceremony with honorable professors and university president. I received the valuable advice from honorable professors on opening ceremony gives the hope to dream big. New hostel life with international and Japanese students is the good platform to build friendship with Japanese students and learn their culture.
Japan is the country where we can see peoples beautifully and efficiently everything works. Japanese people attention to the punctual time keeping and their natural kindness towards other people is always surprise for me. NITech is the well organized and cleanliness campus with green environment, if you get the opportunity to study at NITech please grab that one. NITech is the great opportunity to get better yourself in every aspect.
- Ms. Nancy Yona (India)
- Mr. Jianqin Wang (China)
- Ms. Jana Makovnikova (Slovakia)
- Dr. Essam Hafez Andelgany (Egypt)
- Dr. Izumi Yamamoto (Japan)
- Mr. Lino Schupp (Germany)
- Mr. Muhammad Syukri (Malaysia)
- Dr. Golap Kalita (India)
- Dr. Ilkka Laakso (Finland)
- Ms. Mya Sithu (Myanmar)
- Dr. Razavi Khosroshahi Hadi (Iran)
- Dr. Mauricio Kugler (Brazil)
- Mr. Sungho Lee (Republic of Korea)
- Dr. Randy Jalem (Philippines)
- Mr. Issa Mubarek Mohammed (Ethiopia)
- Dr. Mikhail Kosobokov (Russia)
- Mr. Sirawit Wongvitavas (Thailand)
- Dr. Anthony L. B. Maçon (France)
- Ms. Qun Ju (China)
- Mr. Shin Sung Yong (Republic of Korea)
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