Mr. MOTODAMARI Kouki receives BEST PAPER AWARD at the 24th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference
PRESS RELEASE - Towards Safer, Higher Performance Batteries Through Network Topology Optimization
Mr. TAKADA Shota receives Best Student Paper Awards Second Prize at 2024 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation
Mr. YAMADA Ayuto receives Best Paper Award at IEEE Future Networks World Forum 2024
A Signing Ceremony with College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University (China)
Mr. NAGAYA Koki receives PRiME 2024 General Student Poster Session Award 2nd Prize
Visit from Universiti Putra Malaysia
Honorary doctorate for Dr. KAKIMOTO Ken-ichi, Executive Director and Vice President, from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) of Germany
A research paper released by KAWAI Koki et al. of SHIBATA Lab in "Themed Collection, 2024 Chemical Science Covers" in the flagship journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Chemical Science
RESEARCH NEWS - Unveiling a New Technique for Preparing Ionic Liquid-Based Membranes for Mixture Separation
One staff member of NITech participates in the Erasmus+ Programme with Poznan University of Technology (PUT), Poland
Research Group Led by Professor SUGITA Shukei Wins the 2023 JBSE Papers of the Year Award
Mr. MURATA Yusuke receives The 24th International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry Best Poster Award
Visit from Yeungnam University in South Korea
A research paper released by the SHIBATA Lab was published in the flagship journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Science, featuring it on the "Front Cover"
Fujita Health University and Nagoya Institute of Technology Sign a Basic Agreement
A research paper released by the YAMAMURA-MIYAGAWA Lab was published in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Professor TOKUDA Keiichi receives the IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award, the world's highest academic award in speech technology.
Initiative - "Civic Tech" for a better and brighter future, an R&D project taking on societal issues with information technology
The Rector and the Vice Rector for International Relations of the University of Bologna, Italy visited NITech.
RESEARCH NEWS - Unlocking the Potential of Anti-Perovskites Through a Convenient One-Step Synthesis Route
Bus Tour to Toyota Automobile Museum and Sanshu Asuke Yashiki was held.
The newest research paper of Associate Professor Takashi SHIRAI's group has been highlighted as the FRONT COVER of the latest issue of Nanoscale Advances
Mr. MITSUYA Tatsuhiko receives Guinness World Records™「Smallest humanoid robot」.
Four faculty members in charge of international exchange from the Valencian Polytechnic University in Spain visited NITech.
SHIBATA Lab's Research on the Cover of ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
SHIBATA Lab's Research Featured on the Cover of Organic Letters
RESEARCH NEWS - Promising Advances in Organosilica Membranes for Separating Organic Liquid Mixtures
Professor KITAGAWA Keisuke delivers Instant Houses for indoor use to the area affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake
A visit by the Director and Researchers from the IRCER (Institute of Research for Ceramics) of France CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), and Attaché for Science and Project manager from the French Embassy in Japan.
Ms. YAMAUCHI Risako, Mr. SAKURAI Wataru and Ms. HORIE Kirana receive awards at 2023 Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications(ACMSA2023)
Mr. NODA Kazuma receives Excellent Student Paper Award at The 3rd International Conference on Smart Manufacturing, Industrial & Logistics Engineering (SMILE2023)
Vice-Chancellor of Innovative Engineering Research Alliance of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) visited our university.
RESEARCH NEWS - Addressing the Increase in Wireless Demand with Frequency-Hopping Metasurfaces
Mr. HOMBE Masafumi receives IEEE ICA2023 Best Student Poster Award at The 7th IEEE International Conference on Agents (IEEE ICA2023).
Professor HIRATA Akimasa assumes the position of chair of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)-First chair from Asia since the establishment of ICNIRP
The 61st NITech Festival Held!
NITech delegation deepened exchanges by the visit to FAU
Initiative - Elucidating the functions of and expanding the possibilities of sugars